Islamic Jew-Hatred and the Yemen UPS Bomb Plot By Robert Spencer On November 1, 2010 URL to article: It was yet another jihad plot against targets in the United States: the bombs, sent from Yemen via UPS, were powerful enough to bring down a cargo airplane. They were addressed to a synagogue in Chicago. […] No Charmer Obama’s electoral psychodrama Sunday, 31st October 2010 On the eve of the US mid-term elections, ‘no drama Obama’ has turned into ‘no charmer Obama’. Even Democrats are aghast. No wonder, when last Monday Obama urged Hispanic voters to vote in this spirit: ‘We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our […]
Canada vs. Radical Islam: Harper’s Mixed Record Posted By Kathy Shaidle URL to article: IN THE US THERE ARE PITIFUL FEW CANDIDATES EVEN AMONG THE TEA PARTY FAVES WHO REALLY UNDERSTAND THE THREAT OF SHARIA….EXCEPTION ILARIO PANTANO N.C., ALLEN WEST FL, AND JOEL POLLAK IL….RSK A warning to those who believe that electing a […] Dick Blumenthal: A ‘Green Warrior’ Endangering Your Prosperity Posted By Art Horn Richard “Dick” Blumenthal is a clear and present danger to America. Who is Dick Blumenthal? He is the Connecticut attorney general running to fill the seat of the retired Democrat Chris Dodd, who held the seat for three decades. Should he win […]
Sister Rose and the Vatican Synod Page Printed from: By Eileen F. Toplansky In 1986, I was proud to play a very small part in the completion of the documentary research survey report by Sister Rose Thering entitled Jews, Judaism & Catholic Education. Sister Rose had prepared this work for the twentieth anniversary of […] Who’s Afraid of Marco Rubio? Democrats are scared enough of the charismatic Republican Senate hopeful that some were willing to sacrifice their own candidate to help a stronger challenger in the race. By MATTHEW KAMINSKI West Palm Beach, Fla. Marco Rubio is the newest Republican star, but not for any obvious reasons. On policy, […] Puerto Rico’s Governor Channels Ronald Reagan Luis Fortuño wants deep tax cuts to spur growth. Are Republicans in D.C. paying attention? By MARY ANASTASIA O’GRADY Move over, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. You’ve got a tax-cutting, pro-growth competitor who may be even bolder than you. His name is Luis Fortuño and he is the […] Package bombers not ‘quite there yet’ U.S. doubts more en route By Bill Gertz and Eli LakeU.S. intelligence agencies remain on alert but do not think additional package bombs are immediately heading for the U.S. after the third failed attack by the Yemen-based al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula over the weekend. The latest […] YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE Monday, 01 November 2010 Song of the Week by Jimmie Davis and Charles Mitchell As we enter the final days of a long election season, it seems fitting to offer a political Song of the Week. But it’s striking how few songs there are about electoral politics. The best known couplet on the […] A Surplus of Enemies Jennifer Rubin – 10.31.2010 – 9:00 AM A flock of liberal pundits is now trying to convince its members — and us — that losing the House and maybe the Senate is a really good thing for Obama. It’s not because he might moderate his views. Oh no, for in […]