Sixty-Five Years of Circling the Drain: Happy Birthday, UN! Posted By Daniel Mandel SHOULD WE SAY HAPPY BIDET?….RSK URL to article: This week, 65 years ago, the United Nations officially came into existence. It has experienced ups and downs, but never has looked to be a greater a failure than it does today. Its […] Multilateralism exposed: Iran highly likely to join UN women’s rights body You couldn’t make it up. But since this is about the UN, you wouldn’t have to. The latest news from New York is that Iran, where women are stoned to death for adultery, is highly likely to gain a seat on the governing […] Analysis: It’s a mad, bad world. And that’s just the UN Share By Robin Shepherd, October 28, 2010 Put formulations such as “United Nations”, “Human Rights” and “Palestinian territories” into the same sentence and, chances are, you’re in for a peculiar experience. Add to that sentence the name “Richard Falk” – UN Special Rapporteur […]
The Democrats’ Final Recourse: Massive Vote Fraud By Selwyn Duke The reports are rolling in from all over the country. A Craven County, NC resident attempts to vote a straight Republican ticket, but his choices come up straight Democrat four times, despite receiving assistance from poll workers. In NC’s Lenoir County, registered Democrat Ervin […] “The enemy is meant to be immobilized and defeated. That doesn’t mean caught and released like some enviro-friendly fishing program in Montana, as President Obama is doing with even the most dangerous terrorists at Gitmo. That doesn’t mean questioned gingerly with Miranda rights and a lawyer and then set free. That means killed or […] General Odierno and What We Learned in Iraq by Hugh Fitzgerald (October 2010) At the end of August the New York Times ran a story about General Ray Odierno, the commander of American forces in Iraq for the past three years. General Petraeus’ successor was now taking his leave from Iraq, and the 50,000 […] EDITORIAL: The return of the snipers Islamic terrorists are shooting at local targets again By THE WASHINGTON TIMES Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud said earlier this year that terrorists should begin to target American cities. Several recent incidents indicate that our enemies are getting the message. Farooque Ahmed of Ashburn, Va., was arrested Wednesday after […] “Our nation is in trouble, and America isn’t laughing, dude.” EDITORIAL: Obama, the dude in chief Even the Democrats admit their majority is a joke President Barack Obama is pictured during a commercial break as he talks with host Jon Stewart as he takes part in a taping of Comedy Central’s The Daily Show […] WILSON: What war on terror? Campaign leaves crucial national security issue untouched By Heather Wilson Look at the thousands of political ads being run this fall. Scarcely more than a handful mention the volatile world beyond our borders – unless it’s a reference to foreign competition for jobs. Even though the top priority for […] THE EXCEPTION EXISTS BECAUSE THERE IS NO QUESTION OF JEWISH SOVEREIGNTY AS THERE IS IN ISRAEL AND THIS DEVELOPMENT, HOWEVER, WELCOME SHOULD NOT BLIND JEWS TO THE CENTURIES OF DHIMMITUDE AND JIHAD …RSK The Azeri Exception By Aryeh Tepper Synagogue, Quba. Someone forgot to tell the republic of Azerbaijan that Jews and Muslims cannot […]