The Kamikaze Obamanomics of John Maynard Keynes By Gamaliel Isaac, on October 27th, 2010 History is repeating itself because the Obama administration is repeating failed Keynesian policies. President Obama revealed the Keynesian underpinnings of his economic policies in his first prime time press conference when he said: It is only government that can break […]
________ David Isaac Twitter: DavidAIsaac Perceived Dependence Syndrome By David Isaac “There exists … among many Americans, a conviction of Israeli dependence. What is worse, many Israelis have a sense of dependence; worst of all, it is a sense that exists also among Israeli leaders.” (Shmuel Katz, “Surrender to Washington”, The Jerusalem Post, […]
NRO — The Corner Our 9/11 war dead are not “shaheeds”[1] October 27, 2010 3:40 P.M. By Andy McCarthy Out of respect for our men and women in harm’s way, I have tried, since an exchange[2] late last year with Pete Hegseth, to pipe down about our increasingly dubious overseas contingency operations in Afghanistan and […] HIS OPPONENT IS JAN SCHAKOWSKY A J STREET FAVE: HERE’S JOEL: Defending Israel Israel Is Not the Problem I believe it is both wrong and dangerous to treat Israel as the obstacle to peace in the Middle East. I will oppose the administration’s attempts to put pressure on Israel. I will also vote […] Conservative Values Applied to Solutions As important as the issues are in any campaign, the values underpinning my stands on the issues are even more important. I believe in the values of our founding fathers as espoused in the 28 founding principles, not the least of which are: limited government, free enterprise and the […] THIS IS REALLY GREAT NEWS….GIBSON IS UNIQUE WITH A MILITARY BACKGROUND AND A SHARP CONSERVATIVE MIND. Chris Gibson grew up in Columbia County in the town of Kinderhook. He was the Point Guard and Co-Captain of Ichabod Crane’s High School Basketball Team and went on to graduate magna cum laude with a BA in […] The Dutch Grand Inquisitor Speaks Posted By Andrew Bostom On October 26, 2010 Geert Corstens [1], President of the Netherlands Supreme Court, maintains in Orwellian fashion that Dutch Parliamentarian leader Geert Wilders is “undermining” Dutch jurisprudence. [Hat tip Fjordman] As reported here [1], Critical statements on jurisprudence such as Wilders has made during the […] Peace-Loving Muslims Are Irrelevant Vincent Gioia Print This E-mail This ShareThis Comments (0) There are two dangers facing the United States; one is a slow death and the other is faster. Under President Obama the country is losing its Constitution which is either ignored or revised by a Democrat controlled Congress and the White […] WHY INDEED? BECAUSE SHE TELLS THE TRUTH FEARLESSLY AND HAS HAD A METEORIC RISE IN VISIBILITY AND IMPACT…..AND BECAUSE SHE ISN’T ONE OF THE SNOBBY “ELITE” (KRAUTHAMMER AND KRISTOL WHO ARE SO WORRIED ABOUT BEING SEEN AS “ISLAMOPHOBIC”…RSK The Demonization of Pamela Geller Posted By Robert Spencer Over the last year, as I have […]
The Islamic Way of Disagreement Posted By Nonie Darwish “Did Aisha commit adultery while married to Mohammed? Or worse, did she kill Mohammed? Is she, together with Hafza Abu Bakr, Uthman and Omar, burning in eternal Hell? Or were they rewarded with Paradise?” These are questions consuming many Muslim leaders in the Middle East […]