Obama’s Castroite Allies By Humberto Fontova URL to article: http://frontpagemag.com/2010/10/26/obamas-castroite-allies/ After starring in [1] public service announcements for the Obama administration, Mexican-American labor activist Dolores Huestra is now starring [2] in public service announcements for Fidel Castro’s regime. Senora Huestra is co-founder of United Farm Workers of American and a member of Democratic Socialist of […]
http://www.stratfor.com/weekly/20101025_us_midterm_elections_obama_iran?utm_source=GWeekly&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=101026&utm_content=readmore&elq=b23df5307a934cd4992a6a0b353c8701 By George Friedman We are a week away from the 2010 U.S. midterm elections. The outcome is already locked in. Whether the Republicans take the House or the Senate is close to immaterial. It is almost certain that the dynamics of American domestic politics will change. The Democrats will lose their ability to impose […]
http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/ The Left’s War on the Economy Obama may be losing the War on Terror, but his War on the Economy is headed full speed ahead. The joblessness, the unemployment rolls and an economic in which the only people still making money are in the government, in public sector unions or on Wall Street is […]
– Roger L. Simon – http://pajamasmedia.com/rogerlsimon – BREAKING: Ethics Foundation Requests A.G. Holder Investigate Sen. Boxer Posted By Roger L Simon On October 26, 2010 In a breaking development that may affect the close California Senate race, Pajamas Media has learned The Foundation for Ethics in Public Service sent a letter to Eric Holder [1] […]
NPR fires Juan Williams – Big Deal? By Humberto Fontova http://townhall.com/columnists/HumbertoFontova/2010/10/26/npr_fires_juan_williams_-_big_deal/print They finally nabbed Al Capone—but for tax evasion. Legislation to de-fund The Corporation for Public Broadcasting will finally be introduced—but because of Juan Williams’ pink slip. Senator Jim DeMint explained his motivation, “Since 2001, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which funds programming for National […]
http://www.electwebster.com/ http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/print/250960 The Devil and Daniel Webster Meet the man poised to take down progressive giant Alan Grayson. When Daniel Webster signed up to run for Congress against liberal instigator Alan Grayson, he never imagined he would be called “Taliban Dan.” Or that he’d be portrayed as a draft-dodging, woman-hating career politician. “I knew they […]
http://pajamasmedia.com/blog/distorting-israel%e2%80%99s-loyalty-oath-and-the-reality-behind-it/ Distorting Israel’s Loyalty Oath, and the Reality Behind It Posted By P. David Hornik Is Israel becoming a fascist country? Seemingly that question would only be raised by someone hostile to Israel or ignorant. The ignorant could, for example, be informed of Freedom House’s high rating [1] of Israel as a free country, or of the fact that this year Israel was accepted […]
http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/oct/25/us-tries-to-detect-muslim-radicals-at-home/ U.S. tries to detect Muslim radicals at home Al Qaeda calls jihad their ‘duty’ By Shaun WatermanA call by al Qaeda American spokesman Adam Gadahn for Muslim extremists living in the West to launch attacks highlights the way U.S. officials are struggling to define and meet the growing threat of homegrown terrorism and domestic […]
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303467004575574450703567656.html?mod=WSJ_Opinion_LEADTop Why I Support Legal Marijuana We should invest in effective education rather than ineffective arrest and incarceration. Article Comments (173) more in Opinion » Email Print Save This ↓ More Twitter Digg + More close Yahoo! Buzz MySpace del.icio.us Reddit Facebook LinkedIn Fark Viadeo Orkut Text By GEORGE SOROS Our marijuana laws are clearly […]
http://www.jidaily.com/yM9Y0 Dona Gracia recognized as Zionist hero in Beit Hanassi By GREER FAY CASHMAN Once the wealthiest woman in the world, Dona Gracia planned to establish an autonomous Jewish community in Tiberias. She was more than 300 years ahead of Theodor Herzl in conceiving a movement whereby Jews would once again take possession of their […]