THE QUESTION IS COULD HE BE ANOTHER WONDERFUL SURPRISE LIKE GOVERNOR CHRISTIE OF NEW JERSEY OR WOULD HE BE A DUD LIKE GEORGE PATAKI? THE LAST ZEALOUS ATTORNEY GENERAL WHO BECAME GOVERNOR WAS ELIOT SPITZER…. PALADINO TO APPOINT BLUE-RIBBON TAX CUT TEAM Paladino: Cuomo wants to raise taxes; these men will help me cut taxes. NEW […] News for the administration cannot be regarded as good, right now. Yesterday the bill which would have allowed openly gay men and women to join the military, repealing Clinton’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, lost in the Senate by only four votes. Harry Reid of Nevada, who faces an uphill struggle in the upcoming […] THIS COLUMN ALSO APPEARS IN THE OCTOBER ISSUE OF OUTPOST, PUBLICATION OF AMERICANS FOR A SAFE ISRAEL….RSK While there has been much emotion and argument over the proposed mosque two blocks from Ground Zero, it has largely swirled over issues that miss the nature and significance of the issues involved. Thus we hear endless variations […] Preparations made by IHH for confrontation with the IDF and the violence exercised by that organization’s operatives as photographed and documented in a book by Şefik Dinç, a Turkish journalist who took part in the Mavi Marmara flotilla Overview 1. Several books about the flotilla incident have been recently published in Turkey. One of […]
“Imam Rauf is dangerous, but what is more dangerous is our State Department which has has been facilitating the agenda of a clearly megalomaniacal stealth jihadist.” “Bridge builder” Imam Feisal Abdel Rauf, the Muslim cleric behind plans for the Ground Zero mosque, has now been exposed as a man of shrewd cunning and as […] “Dutch observers say that the Netherlands’ 1 million Muslims (about 5% of the population), largely from Morocco, coupled with anti-Israel leftists have contributed to a hostile climate for Jews in the Netherlands.” Oh? Morocco? were we not always told about the great Moroccan “tolerance” for Jews? Yes…under French control maybe, and late King Hasan […] Examiner Editorial: Government and journalists cower at threats to cartoonist Last week, the Seattle Weekly announced that Molly Norris, its editorial cartoonist, had “gone ghost.” Put another way, she went into hiding. The FBI told her she had to because otherwise it couldn’t protect her against death threats from Muslims she’d angered. Earlier this […] Humberto Fontova Celebrities Lend Their Names to a Bad Cause Castro DGIs (Directorio General de Intelligencia, trained and funded for decades by the Soviet KGB and East German STASI) recently stuck their fingers in their mouth and issued a sharp whistle of summons. Celebrity ears from New York to Hollywood immediately jerked up. Soon […] Service or Sacrifice Three years ago Reverend Lennox Yearwood was comparing the captured Al Queda and Taliban terrorists to civil rights heroine Rosa Parks, and demanding the shutdown of Guantanamo Bay. But last year Reverend Yearwood was conducting a conference call on behalf of the Obama Administration laying out plans to turn the commemoration […] The Ultimate Lesson of Egypt’s Fake Photo Posted By Raymond Ibrahim Al-Ahram, the state-run newspaper in Egypt, recently ran the above photo of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak leading President Obama and other world leaders during Middle East peace talks at the White House. One of the most widely circulated [1] newspapers in the world, […]