PLO ambassador in Lebanon: Peace talks are stage in delegitimizing “rebellious, racist” Israel Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook The PLO’s ambassador to Lebanon says that the current peace talks “are not a goal,” but just another stage in the Palestinian attempt to undermine Israel’s legitimacy. The Palestinian Authority official daily reported that the Ambassador […]
Hi Gang: I had heard about General Colin Powell having made statements about immigration that were sufficiently egregious to raise my blood pressure. This evening Tony Swartz, the webmaster (extraordinaire), of my website sent me a link to Mr. Powell’s interview on MSNBC concerning his position on immigration. Here is that link: There is […] OLMERT IS A SCOUNDREL AND POSSIBLY A CROOK….BUT EVEN LOWLIFES SOMETIMES TELL THE TRUTH….RSK Olmert: Bush offered to absorb 100,000 Palestinian refugees if peace deal reached In address to Geneva Initiative conference, former prime minister calls himself first Israeli leader to publicly recognize Palestinian plight; also hints Barak tried to thwart ‘daring defense efforts’, […] I think, therefore I’m guilty By Melanie Phillips Too often, we in America hear warnings about government creeping toward “Big Brother”. Many a time, the shriek is shrill, resulting in our guards being lowered. After all, we live in a democratic society. “Thought Police”? Get real, many say. Well, one of Britain’s most respected […]
FROM A WONDERFUL E-PAL OF MINE WHO WRITES “COMING SOON TO THE USA”…..RSK Сергей Мухамедов, фотограф из Москвы : Ураза-байрам 09.09.2010 | 17:07Сегодня начался трехдневный праздник Ураза-байрам. Это праздник разговения для мусульман, прощание с благословенными днями месяца Рамадан. Главный его ритуал – богослужения в честь Ураза-байрам в мечетях города. Корреспондент недоСМИ отправился на Проспект Мира, […]
Barack Obama Turns Up Racially Divisive Rhetoric Remember when Barack Obama was supposed to be the “post-racial” President. It was only 23 months ago that the United States became the first nation in modern history, with a largely white population that has elected a black man to be its leader. Despite the fact that […]
new from… Is it Racist to Criticize Islam? Posted: 17 Sep 2010 03:22 PM PDT Is Ayaan Hirsi Ali a racist? She was born in Somalia, from which she escaped to avoid an arranged marriage, and she eventually became a member of Parliament in the Netherlands. She helped produce a film with Theo Van […] Halal to the Queen?—Britain’s Stealth Halal-ization Posted By Andrew Bostom On September 19, 2010 Zaki Badawi, the late “Grand Mufti of Britain [1]” More evidence of the inevitable triumph of Zaki Badawi’s “vision” for an Islamic Britain? Hat tip to The Religion of Peace [2], the most comprehensive clearinghouse of jihad-related news. Although this […] The Chavez threat Successive U.S. administrations have proved unable or unwilling to slow Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez’s descent into authoritarianism. September 16, 2010|By John R. Bolton Venezuela’s Sept. 26 national parliamentary elections present a major opportunity for strongman Hugo Chavez to cement his grip on power. Despite a tradition of a free press and […]
“TIS BETTER TO BE PRESUMED AN ASS, THAN TO SPEAK AND REMOVE ALL DOUBT!” Message to Muslims: I’m Sorry By NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF Many Americans have suggested that more moderate Muslims should stand up to extremists, speak out for tolerance, and apologize for sins committed by their brethren. That’s reasonable advice, and as a moderate […]