The Demographic Bogey according to Moshe Arens, former Israeli Minister of Defense, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chairman of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Security Committee and Israel’s Ambassador to the USA (Haaretz, Sept. 14, 2010): Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger, “Second Thought: A US-Israel Initiative” Follow me @YoramEttinger Demographic bogey By Moshe Arens Some […] To gain some perspective on the massive levels of funding that George Soros lavishes on the far Left, be sure to view this vital document: Organizations Funded Directly by George Soros and his Open Society Institute George Soros is one of the most powerful men on earth. A New York hedge fund manager, he […] Turkish Referendum: Neo-Ottomans Victorious by Srdja Trifkovic September 16th, 2010 Over the past eight years, Prime Minister Rejep Tayyip Erdoрan’s Islamist government and his AKP (Justice and Development Party) have been successful in undermining Mustafa Kemal’s legacy and the character of the state founded upon that legacy. What remained, until last Sunday’s referendum, was […]
Keynote Speaker – Van Jones THE TEMPLE OF UNDERSTANDING 2010 AWARDS 65 Interfaith Visionaries In honor of its 50th Anniversary the TOU is hosting an historic conference The Interfaith Visionary Call To Action Conference on Sustainable Development The leaders of international interfaith organizations, along with other eminent interfaith visionaries, are convening for the first time […] At the U.N. Obama Promotes Human Wrongs Against Israel Instead of Human Rights By Anne Bayefsky Wednesday in Geneva during the current session of the U.N. Human Rights Council, the Obama administration became a willing participant in the U.N.’s imposition of an apartheid-style ban on representatives of the state of Israel. Despite the promises […]
A Yom Kippur Prayer for Jews Who Are “Proud to Be Ashamed to Be Jews” Posted By Phyllis Chesler Why Israel? Why the Jews? Why are so many presumably “civilized” people, “good” people, educated people, so eager to join the Jew-hating, death-eating barbarians–century after century, country after country? In the Book of Esther, set […] J Street Unmasked Jennifer Rubin – 09.16.2010 – 3:23 PM The Washington Jewish Week reveals just how far off the path J Street has wandered from its ostensible purpose: J Street — the self-professed “pro-Israel, pro-peace” group — appears to have waded further into domestic waters in recent weeks with the launch of a […] GOOD AND WELL DESERVED SMACKDOWN OF THE EXTREMELY SMUG AND ARROGANT CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER…RSK By Caroline B. Glick Netanyahu has effectively stifled Israel’s defenders The current flurry of diplomatic activity is deeply disturbing. It isn’t simply that the Obama administration has strong-armed Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu into participating in diplomatic theater with the PLO whose […] MY FIVE POINT PLAN 1. REDUCE SPENDING to free up capital markets for private sector borrowing.This will create jobs and create an environment of economic growth and innovation. Start by eliminating so-called “stimulus programs” that create nothing sustainable. 2. CUT TAXES FOR NEW BUSINESSES 2-5 years-old. Cuts will be given as a refundable credit […]
Shariah, the Threat to America A report (pdf) has just been published by the Center for Security Policy, which should be taken seriously by anyone with an interest in national security issues, and particularly those in government. The report has been written by “TEAM B”, a panel of 19 people, headed by Lieutenant General […]