Wilders in Berlin, Invokes Reagan: “Tear Down the Wall of Denial and Ignorance About the Real Nature of Islam” Posted By Andrew Bostom On October 2, 2010 Geert Wilders Berlin Speech, October 2, 2010 [1] (and he quotes Bernard Lewis, from here [2]): Dear Friends, I am very happy to be here in Berlin […]
GEERT WILDERS IN BERLIN: “TEAR DOWN THE WALL OF DENIAL AND IGNORANCE ABOUT THE REAL NATURE OF ISLAM” The Naked and Apathetic Vote Obama and his media poodles have announced that a new crisis is upon us. Voter apathy. Naturally the apathy is only a crisis because it affects Democratic voters. If voter apathy threatened to keep Republican or Independent voters home, the media would suddenly be running stories about how voting […]
NO DOUBT WE WILL HEAR PRAISE FROM SOME CONSERVATIVE QUARTERS AS WE DID WHEN ROBERT NOVAK DIED. SOBRAN WAS A NASTY ANTI-SEMITE WHO WAS “SKEPTICAL” ABOUT THE HOLOCAUST AND BLAMED 9/11 ON ISRAEL. HE DIED YOUNG WHICH IS ALWAYS TRAGIC BUT I REGRET HIS LIFE AND HIS OEVRE WHICH ALIENATED SO MANY DECENT PEOPLE FROM TRUE CONSERVATISM…..RSK […] By STEVE MOORE ‘Look, we know we screwed up when we were in the majority. We fell in love with power. We spent way too much money—especially on earmarks. There was too much corruption when we ran this place. We were guilty. And that’s why we lost.” That’s the confession of Eric Cantor, the […] THE NETANYAHU GOVERMENT AT ITS HALFWAY POINT: KEEPING THINGS QUIET? By Jonathan Spyer * The key policy challenge put forth by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been the threat of the Iranian nuclear program. Yet there is a sense of contradiction between his bold assertion of dangers that must be stopped (when in […] CHECK HIM OUT ON ISSUES: U.S. – Israel Relationship Dan Debicella’s View We need a Congressman who is unequivocal in his support for Israel. Jim Himes says he supports Israel, but then is unwilling to take a strong stand to support our ally when they are most in need. The United States needs […] Weather Underground Redux Janet Levy At a conference for the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) at Duke University in 2004, ISM operative Abe Greenhouse is reported to have said that Israel’s West Bank is the training ground for attacks and tactics to be used against the U.S. at the Mexican border. Recent events indicate that […] The Trouble with Islamic Outreach The FBI is hosting some bad actors. I wonder if the FBI will be inviting Hatem Abudayyeh to tour the government’s most sensitive anti-terrorism facilities, snoop around the top-secret National Counterterrorism Center, and maybe even pop by the FBI training center in Quantico. Surely he’d be a splendid addition to […]
Who knows? maybe they actually learned something useful….but what about that money from the Saudi “charitable foundation” and how were those bucks to be earmarked in a university?….rsk Investigators say dean made students do housework for scholarships By the CNN Wire Staff October 1, 2010 6:28 a.m. EDT Queens District Attorney Richard Brown called Cecilia […] Al Gore fails to mention President Barack Obama during Democratic rally in Florida Al Gore failed to mention President Barack Obama at a campaign rally in Florida as Democrats extended their new tactic for next month’s elections – ignoring the man who so inspired them in 2008. By Toby Harnden, Tampa Al Gore made […]