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Ruth King

Who’s Using Whom in the Migrant Wars?By Michael Brendan Dougherty


Martha’s Vineyard can endure a few minutes of embarrassment. Those dying in box trucks outside San Antonio don’t have the same luxury.

When 51 migrants died in an overheated box truck that was abandoned on Quintana Road, outside San Antonio, in late June, that got some serious news coverage. The Pope tweeted about it. It made section A, page 1 of the New York Times, though it was still below the fold, beneath stories on the failure of U.S. sanctions to stop the war in Ukraine, the legal cases resulting from the Dobbs decision that overturned Roe v. Wade, and another Supreme Court decision that allowed high-school football coaches to pray on school land.

By the next day, however, the January 6 hearings took up the Times’ entire front-page headline, and more stories about how women are suffering after Dobbs got second billing. The 51 dead migrants in a truck merited one sentence at the very bottom of the page — turn to A13, where you can also find stories on Serena Williams and a Bret Stephens opinion piece. Ho-hum.

All in all, the San Antonio tragedy got roughly equal news coverage with the 50 migrants flown by Republican governors to Martha’s Vineyard last week: The latter got one above-the-fold Times story on Friday, with many follow-ups in the days since. But unlike the San Antonio case, the Martha’s Vineyard kerfuffle has also aroused the Times opinion page, which is filling up with takes on the Republican governors’ “stunt.” Republicans are mean, they say, and their ploy failed, because the people of Martha’s Vineyard rallied by giving canned goods to the migrants — before the National Guard swiftly exfiltrated every single migrant off the island and onto a base.

Frankly, I think the stunt rather proved the point. When migrants arrive at Martha’s Vineyard, the rich liberals there can be crowned humanitarians for not deliberately starving them to death in the few minutes before the military whisks them away. Yet the very complaint that the Biden administration’s negligent border enforcement, inviting rhetoric, and contradictory executive orders are enticing thousands of people to live under a highway overpass in the Texas heat is considered racist. Violent encampments are for red states; blue states have the military to take care of their problems.

Many of the migrants interviewed by television reporters thanked Florida governor Ron DeSantis for sending them to Martha’s Vineyard. And why not? It’s far more comfortable than the camp sites near San Antonio or Del Rio. It has been alleged that DeSantis or his underlings may have fundamentally misled some of the migrants into boarding the flight. If that’s true, they need to be called onto the carpet for it; we shouldn’t use desperate people as political pawns.

Majority of Americans More Concerned about ‘Socialist Left’ Than ‘MAGA Republicans’: POLL By Brittany Bernstein


Fifty-five percent of Americans are more concerned about the “Socialist Left” than they are about “MAGA Republicans,” according to a new Harvard-CAPS Harris poll.

The poll asked respondents: “Are you more concerned about the Socialist left in America and the power they are gaining or more afraid of MAGA Republicans and the power they are getting?”

Just 45 percent of respondents said they are more concerned with “MAGA Republicans.”

The poll also asked voters: “Do you think there are tens of millions of dangerous MAGA Republicans backing violence and trying to overthrow the constitution or is that a gross exaggeration and distortion?”

Most voters (54 percent) believe the number of “dangerous MAGA Republicans” is “grossly exaggerated.” Forty-six percent said there are tens of millions of dangerous MAGA Republicans, including 73 percent of Democrats, 20 percent of Republicans and 42 percent of independents.

The poll was conducted September 7 and 8, one week after President Biden gave a speech in Philadelphia saying former president Donald Trump and the ‘MAGA Republicans’ represent “an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.”

Biden Is Blind to Our Inflationary Spiral By Charles C. W. Cooke


The president could have prevented this crisis by being the ‘adult’ he always claims to be. Instead, he’s still pretending it’s not a crisis at all.

On the cardinal matter of inflation, Joe Biden is lost, and does not want to be found; he is blind, but does not want to see. Asked on last night’s 60 Minutes what he had to offer in response to the news that “last Tuesday, the annual inflation rate came in at 8.3 percent,” “the stock market nosedived,” and people continued to be “shocked by their grocery bills,” Biden raised his eyebrows and demurred. It’s important, he said defiantly, to “put this in perspective.” That “perspective”? That, per the most recent inflation numbers, the problem is “up just an inch — hardly at all. . . . It hasn’t spiked.” Suppressing a grimace, Biden’s interviewer, Scott Pelley, suggested that a broader “perspective” than the last month might perhaps be more useful to the viewers. “It’s the highest inflation rate, Mr. President, in 40 years,” Pelley said.

’Tis but a scratch!

It is clear from the president’s public pronouncements that he has not yet grasped the scale of the disaster that is unfolding before his eyes.

An Example Of A Real Threat To “Our Democracy” (Or, More Accurately, To Our Constitutional Republic) Francis Menton


The latest endlessly recurring mantra of Democratic politicians and press is that some position articulated by the opposition is a threat to “our Democracy.”

I suppose that those words must resonate with some people, or otherwise they would not be so endlessly repeated. Of course the statement is fundamentally wrong, because we don’t actually have a “Democracy,” but rather a Constitutional Republic.

Having a Democracy would mean that a 50.1% voting majority can do whatever it wants to the hated 49.9%, including locking the 49.9% permanently out of power. The whole idea of the Constitutional Republic is to keep that from happening, and our Constitution puts multiple institutions in place to prevent a temporary slight majority from seizing permanent power for itself.

Most of the current railing about threats to “our Democracy” turns out, on examination, to represent nothing more than dissatisfaction with the fact that we have a Constitutional Republic rather than a Democracy. Understanding the distinction between Democracy and our Constitutional Republic is the key to distinguishing the real threats to our system of government from the nonsense filling the media every day.

This post considers a recent example of one of the real threats, which has received almost no press coverage.

Over in Europe, and particularly in those countries in the vanguard of the green energy transition, the enormous costs of this folly have begun to hit home. In the UK, average annual consumer energy bills were scheduled to rise as of October 1 to £3549/year, from only £1138/year just a year ago. (The figure may now get reduced somewhat by means of massive government subsidies, which only conceal, but do not obviate, the disastrous cost increases.) Germany’s regulated consumer gas bills are scheduled for an average annual increase on October 1 of about 480 euros, about 13%, from an already high 3568 euros.

US Must Treat Iran Like Russia by Con Coughlin


[I]t is vital that the US and its allies confront the reality of Iran’s expanding military operations around the world.

While Tehran had denied the reports [that Iran had provided Russia with military-grade drones], Ukraine’s defence ministry posted images of what appeared to be parts of a destroyed drone with “Geran-2” written on the side in Russian. The wingtip appeared to match that of a Shahed-136.

This is, by any standard, amounts to a truly momentous escalation in Iran’s military activities: it is the first time Iranian military equipment has been deployed on European soil.

The fact that evidence has emerged demonstrating that Iran is actively supporting Russia’s unprovoked aggression against Ukraine makes a mockery of this argument.

If Iran is prepared to deploy sophisticated military equipment such as drones on European soil, then it is clear the ayatollahs would have no hesitation about firing their long-range ballistic missiles, potentially armed with nuclear weapons, at European targets.

Iran’s willingness to become directly involved in the deadliest conflict Europe has witnessed since the end of the Second World War represents a significant escalation in the threat Tehran poses to the outside world, one that Western powers ignore at their peril.

Israeli Defence Minister Benny Gantz, addressing The Jerusalem Post Conference in New York last week, revealed a map showing more than ten facilities that Iran has constructed in Syria in recent years to produce mid- and long-range precision missiles that can be used to target Israel.

This is not the action of a country that, as the Iranians repeatedly insist, is interested in peace, and should serve as a wake-up call to Western leaders to confront Iranian aggression in the same way they have confronted Russia over its decision to invade Ukraine.

The West must now provide the same level of support to all those countries — which now include Ukraine — that find themselves the targets of unprovoked acts of aggression by Tehran.

One of the most important lessons learned from the 1930s was that what starts in one place, such as Austria or Sudetenland, can almost be guaranteed not to stay in that place.

Now that even the Biden administration has been forced to admit defeat in its ill-considered attempts to revive the Iran nuclear deal, it is vital that the West does not let its guard slip on Iran’s malign activities across the globe.

Throughout the year-long negotiating process in Vienna over Iran’s nuclear ambitions, which the Biden administration now concedes have ended in stalemate, Tehran has sought to give the impression that it is interested in negotiating a deal, while at the same time ramping up its aggressive military activities in the Middle East and beyond.

Equal Justice, They Said We are now a revolutionary society in decline using the courts, prosecutors, the administrative state, and the law itself to punish enemies, help friends, and declare such asymmetry “social justice.” By Victor Davis Hanson


What once distinguished the United States from illiberal regimes following the Orwellian mantra “some are more equal than others” was the hallowed American idea of “equal justice under the law.”

The phrase is engraved above the entrance to the United States Supreme Court—an ideal that took centuries to achieve. Yet it is an ancient concept—what the Greeks called isonomia that distinguished classical democratic Athens from its anti-democratic rivals. Isonomia later became enshrined as the central criterion of all Western consensual governments.

Does it still exist in Joe Biden’s America? 

In many ways, no—due both to state and private vendettas as well as state efforts to destroy rather than merely defeat political opponents. 

Is the law equally applied at the border? 

Ask yourself whether you are more likely to be hounded by the federal government for not being vaccinated if you are a citizen in the U.S. military, or illegally violating federal immigration law as you storm the southern border? 

Who needs a passport to leave and enter the United States—a citizen or an illegal alien?

If you nullify federal law and refuse to hand over a detained illegal alien to federal immigration agents, are you more or less likely to be prosecuted than someone who likewise deliberately seeks to nullify federal law by bulldozing on his property a nest of federally protected squirrels?

What tradition of Western jurisprudence allows violent criminals in America’s largest cities to be released upon booking? 

What law states they are instantly free to commit more crimes without worry of incarceration or punishment, while those accused of illegally parading sit in jail for years awaiting charges? 

Bill Maher strongly defends the past on its own terms By Andrea Widburg


It’s to be hoped that Maher is a barometer of the fact that leftist ideas are so extreme they’re even offending leftists

Bill Maher is a leftist (and proud of it), but he’s neither a fool nor a fantasist. Of late, he’s been one of the more prominent leftists pointing out that his side of the political aisle has gone too far and is destroying itself. Maher’s latest effort hit home with me because I was a college history major and have always understood that the past is a different place from the present. Rather like medieval man himself, the left doesn’t get that, and Maher at least made the effort to remedy that situation.

MAGA’s Real Crime? Spotlighting Government Failure By J.B. Shurk


The midterm elections are only weeks away.  The Democrats are in complete control of the House, Senate, and presidency.  Donald Trump’s name appears nowhere near a November ballot.  Yet the only things Democrats talk about are the former president and his “Make America Great Again” voters.  It is as if Joe Biden’s and Nancy Pelosi’s political troops have no interest in touting their successes in opening the Southern border to endless illegal immigration, promoting divisive lockdowns and “vaccine” mandates, passing a Green New Deal spending extravaganza, encouraging transgender drag queen shows for elementary-schoolers, emptying prisons of criminals, eliminating cash bail for felony arrests, leveraging Americans’ pain at the gas pump to push them into expensive electric vehicles, or presiding over the highest rates of inflation in over forty years.  They’ve accomplished so much in such little time!  Maybe their campaign slogan could be “Making Americans Poorer and Less Secure for Their Own Good” or “Vote Democrat: Because We Know Better.”

Or maybe the Democrat party realizes that its policy “successes” have caused so much pain for the American people that the only path to continued power consists of cynically demonizing half the country as “extremists,” “insurrectionists,” and “terrorists” who must be defeated at any cost.  For a nation not engaged in violent civil war, it sure sounds as if 75 million Trump voters have been officially declared the enemy.  Senator Mazie Hirono says pro-life Americans who oppose abortion are “literally a call to arms.”  Representative Hank Johnson says parents attending school board meetings to protest racist, sexualized, and Marxist indoctrination disguised as academic curricula are part of a “coordinated attack happening across the country.”  Ohio Senate candidate Tim Ryan says, “We’ve gotta kill and confront” MAGA “extremists.”  Department of Homeland Security chief Alejandro Mayorkas claims that the country’s biggest national security threats come from “domestic extremists” who are “radicalized” by “anti-government sentiment” or “false narratives propagated on online platforms.” 

DoJ Tramples on the Constitution by Jerry Newcombe


The United States under the Biden administration is using the force of government to harass the late Phyllis Schlafly’s group in Alabama.

In recent months, the Eagle Forum of Alabama has helped write legislation in that state to protect children with gender confusion from receiving “treatment” that could permanently damage them.

In his End of Day Report (9/9/22), Gary Bauer writes, “After Alabama banned transgender surgeries on children, the Biden Administration sued the state in federal court to block the law. But they’re not just arguing against the constitutionality of the law. They are also going after a conservative public policy group that lobbied on behalf of the law.” Of course, that group is the Eagle Forum of Alabama.

The United States’ Department of Justice issued a subpoena in August demanding records from the Eagle Forum of Alabama, stating: “Several public statements suggest that Eagle Forum of Alabama staff may have had some involvement in drafting the legislation or its predecessor bills. As a result, the United States is issuing the enclosed subpoena for certain records in the Eagle Forum of Alabama’s possession from January 1, 2017 through the present.”

The official subpoena demands: “any draft legislation, proposed legislations, or model legislation.” This included all their communiques on the subject, e.g., “any social media postings.”

What About Anti-Semitism in our High Schools? Students increasingly engage in harassment and bullying toward their Jewish peers – while administrators turn a blind eye. by Adam Milstein


In recent years, while much of the Jewish community has been keenly focused on antisemitism on college campuses, we have largely overlooked another growing danger. Activist teachers and administrators have increasingly injected antisemitism into American public and private high schools through expanded Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) departments and policies and by promoting radical curricula steeped in Critical Race Theory (CRT), such as the Liberated Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum (LESMC). Through this ideology, American Jews are implicitly and sometimes, explicitly, portrayed as privileged white oppressors. By extension, the Jewish State, Israel, is described as an oppressive ethno-state engaged in apartheid, colonialism, and ethnic cleansing.

We are starting to see the consequences of this campaign. Highschool students, both in public and private schools around the nation are engaging in antisemitic bullying and harassment toward their Jewish peers. Amplified through social media and group chats, the phenomenon has become increasingly frequent in high schools. Antisemitism also rears its head in high school sports and a there’s a spike in antisemitic graffiti, like swastikas. Physical violence rooted in antisemitism has become increasingly common in the U.S. and worldwide, from Los Angeles to Atlanta, Palm Beach, New York, and even in Australia.

Last month, a federal investigation found that during the 2018 and 2019 school years, a Tempe, Arizona, based Kyrene School District violated the civil rights of a middle schooler when she was forced to endure repeated antisemitic harassment in class. Nine students harassed and called her antisemitic names, in addition to making frequent jokes about the Holocaust.