THE LATEST ISSUE OF NORTHWESTERN U. ALUM NEWS IS ALL ABOUT THE “SISTER” SCHOOL WITH PAEANS OF PRAISE FOR THE PLACE….GEE ONE HAS TO WONDER HOW MANY CONTRIBUTIONS ARE MADE TO THE SCHOOL…ESPECIALLY TO ITS MIDEAST DEPARTMENT….RSK Qatar relies on US base amid Gulf tensions By Robin Wigglesworth in Abu Dhabi Published: September 24 2010 […] No Rapport With Afghan Leaders? Good. “No rapport? But that’s a good thing. America will truly be in trouble when our best young people actually relate to the dominant members of Afghanistan’s violent, misogynistic, pederasty-prone, polygamous, tribal, Islamically supremacist and corrupt culture.” And by the way, wherever do you shop for all of those […] Meet the Muslim Superheroes who are Ready to Indoctrinate American Kids The appeal of animated cartoons can be long-lasting. I grew up in the 1960s, when the era of TV cartoon series was at its height. Until the 1950s, cartoon shorts by Disney and Warner Bros., such as Merry Melodies, Looney Tunes, Silly Symphonies, […] The Palestinians’ Jewish-State Hang-up By P. David Hornik on 9.24.10 @ 6:08AM A meeting in New York this week of the UN’s Ad-Hoc Liaison Committee ended on a dissonant note. The committee’s purpose is to coordinate financial aid for the Palestinian Authority. At this meeting, Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon was in attendance representing […] Clinton and Muhammad: Partners in Crime by Srdja Trifkovic September 24, 2010 Former President Bill Clinton declared his strong support for the Ground Zero mosque in an interview broadcast on September 12. As the author suggests in Chronicles Online, it is right and proper that he should: the bomber of Serbia and the prophet of Islam are […] SHADES OF NORA ASTORGA NICARAGUA’S SANDINISTA AMBASSADOR TO THE UN WHO WAS NEVER RECOGNIZED BY THE US MISSION UNDER RONALD REAGAN….THIS WAS HER TALE: She participated in kidnapping and murder of General Reynaldo Pérez Vega (nicknamed “El Perro,” or “the dog”). Pérez Vega was deputy commander of Anastasio Somoza’s National Guard.[4] On March 8, 1978 […] Obama’s Fire Sale Gail Sheehy, Six weeks before the election, President Obama couldn’t fill the ballroom at the Roosevelt Hotel, despite cheap tickets on offer. And then he was met by hecklers. Who would have thought that six weeks before a cliffhanger election, President Obama would have to reach down to the D […],1518,717589,00.html Political Scientist Hamed Abdel-Samad ‘Islam Is Like a Drug’ Hamed Abdel-Samad grew up in Egypt as the son of an imam. He came to Germany at the age of 23, and he has lived here for most of the last 15 years. He worked as an academic in Erfurt and Braunschweig and conducted research […] Roger Boyes From: Times Online September 23, 2010 10:38AM Outrage over ‘retelling’ of Nazi film that incited holocaust murderers Clockwise from left: a scene from Jud Suss – Film Without A Conscience, the original film’s poster and a scene from the 1940 propoganda film. Source: The Australian IT was the film that was supposed […] The coming Kyrgyzstan catastrophe. James Kirchick The man tells me that the severed head is Kyrgyz. The video, relayed to me on the small screen of his mobile phone, is blurry and the sound quality is poor. But I can nonetheless decipher what is happening. A group of men are playing a macabre combination […]