“TIS BETTER TO BE PRESUMED AN ASS, THAN TO SPEAK AND REMOVE ALL DOUBT!” Message to Muslims: I’m Sorry By NICHOLAS D. KRISTOF Many Americans have suggested that more moderate Muslims should stand up to extremists, speak out for tolerance, and apologize for sins committed by their brethren. That’s reasonable advice, and as a moderate […]
Boy, my computer was sizzling this morning with criticism of O’Donnell and the tapes selectively used by Bill Maher. Here is my take…. O’Donnell is not a choice candidate…that’s for sure. She lacks the “je ne sais quoi” of Barney Frank and his sexual peccadilloes and rotten voting record. She lacks the probity and integrity […]
http://michellemalkin.com/2010/09/18/bill-mahers-witch-hunt-and-the-missing-context-for-odonnells-remarks/ “Ignore the Hollywood attention troll. Focus on the campaign, the voters of Delaware, and the bearded Marxist opponent who’s the real out-of-touch extremist in the race.”…… Bill Maher’s witch hunt — and the missing context for O’Donnell’s remarks By Michelle Malkin • September 18, 2010 10:55 PM Narcissism. Blackmail. Distortion. All wrapped in his trademark smirk […]
http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/ Latest Offerings from the Religion of Peace “He who fights that Islam should be superior fights in Allah’s cause” Muhammad, prophet of Islam 2010.09.17 (Balkh, Afghanistan) – Nine people are dismembered when a horse-drawn cart gets blasted by Taliban bombers. 2010.09.16 (Khar, Pakistan) – Islamic militants attack a home, killing two people inside, including […]
September 14, 2010 Media Hype: Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes Are Increasing. Statistics: No They Aren’t Culture Links The e-mail newsletter of the Culture and Media Institute September 14, 2010 | Volume 4, Issue 38 To ensure delivery, add cmi@mail.mediaresearch.org to your safe senders list Subscrib Media Hype: Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes Are Increasing. Statistics: No They Aren’t […]
http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2010/09/muslim-american-soldier-tells-al-jizz-us-army-training-is-propaganda-against-islam.html Gives you a comforting feeling, doesn’t it? Lots of devout Muslim soldiers at Fort Hood. Muslim-American Soldier at Fort Hood Tells Al Jazeera: U.S. Army Training is ‘Propaganda Against Islam’ (CNSNews.com) – Zachari Klawonn, a Muslim U.S. Army specialist stationed at Fort Hood, Texas, told the Arabic-language television network Al Jazeera in a recent […]
http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/sep/17/couple-indicted-nuclear-weapons-case/ SEEMS THAT OBAMAPAL CHAVEZ HAS NUCLEAR AMBITIONS….RSK Couple indicted in nuclear weapons case By Jerry Seper In this 1998 photo, Leo Mascheroni and his wife Marjorie pose in their Los Alamos, N.M. home. A scientist and his wife who both once worked at Los Alamos National Laboratory were arrested Friday, Sept. 17, 2010 after […]
http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/sep/18/muslim-summit-planned-over-nyc-islamic-center/ “Once it became a rallying cry for extremists, we had no choice but to stand with Feisal (Abdul) Rauf,” GOT THAT? NOW WE ARE THE “EXTREMISTS”…..RSK By David B. Caruso – NEW YORK (AP) — A proposed Islamic center near ground zero is slowly being embraced by some Muslims who initially were indifferent about […]
http://www.green-agenda.com/agenda21.html “Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world has ever experienced a major shift in the priorities of both governments and individuals and an unprecedented redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences of every […]
http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/ Why Time Magazine Does Not Want Peace Richard Stengel and Karl Vick Why Time Magazine Doesn’t Want Peace It’s that time of the year again. The time where we add up our circulation figures and our ad dollars, and realize that there’s no way we’re going to be able to pay for a second […]