Dems Hope Voters Will Focus on O’Donnell & Not on Chris Coons’ Marxist Past WHY DON’T ROVE AND KRAUTHAMMER EXAMINE HER OPPONENT BEFORE DECIDING THAT SHE IS “UNELECTABLE”…. The democratic-media complex is doing all it can to focus on Christine O’Donnell’s “tainted” past of late payments and abstinence hoping that voters don’t avert their […]
There will be no posting until Sunday in observance of the holy day of Yom Kippur. I wish all fellow Jews a happy, healthy and fruitful year. And, I particularly wish to thank all those who are not Jewish who have supported and defended Israel, and, by default all the Jewish people. May you have […]
NONSENSE IN THE NUTMEG STATE Obama And Blumenthal Both Distort The Facts – But Connecticut’s Voters Are Catching On ______________________________________________________________________ View This Research Briefing At Follow RNC Research on Twitter Learn More in our “Stomping Grounds” Blog “President Obama Will Travel To Connecticut’s Gold Coast To Stump And Raise Money Thursday For Attorney General […] Book Review: The Palestinian Right to Israel By Daled Amos The accusation that Israel has colonialist roots because of its connection to the British Mandate is ironic, since most of the Arab states owe their origins to the entry and domination of the European powers. Prior to World War I, the Arab states of […] Castles in Delaware and the Big Business of Politics The Battle of Delaware has has turned out to be the ugliest clash between the Republican Establishment and the conservative grass-roots politics of the Tea Party Movement. Now a castle has fallen in Delaware, but it won’t be the last. Because grass-roots movements and political […] The defeat industry is back at work again, with the usual suspects acting as a chorus calling for an American retreat in the face of Islamist terror. Five years ago, the same cast of characters was calling for retreat from Iraq, abandoning that country to al Qaeda and its allies. The argument, according to […] Turkey and the End of Secularism? September 17, 2010 – The Editor At the weekend, Turkey had a referendum. The population of the nation voted to amend the constitution, a constitution that had been re-written in 1980. On Monday (September 13) Turkey’s president Abdullah Gul told reporters that: “All the articles in the constitutional amendment package are […]
* BBC and Financial Times among the major news outlets failing to report on the firing of phosphorous shells into Israel yesterday * America and the Saudis: The largest arms deal in history * Anti-Israel letters containing white powder sent to foreign embassies * Below: interesting anecdotes on Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Rabin and Henry Kissinger […] WHAT IS HAPPENING TO CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER? HE CALLED GEERT WILDERS A “FASCIST”; HE WAS A GAZA WITHDRAWAL GROUPIE; HE STILL FLOGS THE TWO STATE (DIS)SOLUTION AND NOW HE AIMS AT THE WINNER IN DELAWARE AS IF THOSE WHO VOTED FOR HER WERE IGNORANT RUBES….THE ” ROVE-ING” SYNDROME?…..RSK The Buckley Rule O’Donnell’s victory could hamper […]
NRO — The Corner SEE THE VIDEON AT: By Andy McCarthy If you read or watch nothing else today, take the ten minutes needed to watch this shocking video: Here is the story. A sixth grade class in Wellesley, Massachusetts, was dragged by their teachers to the notorious Roxbury mosque — the $15 […]