THIS IS AN OLD TRICK USED IN VIETNAM AND ALWAYS USED BY ARABS WHO SET UP TERROR CAMPS AMID WOMEN AND CHILDREN AND HOSPITALS…..WASN’T HILLARY’S MANTRA “PUTTING CHILDREN FIRST?” SHE’S TOO BUSY TO NOTICE PUMMELING ISRAEL INTO PUTTING ITS CHILDREN RIGHT IN THE LINE OF FIRE…..RSK U.S. military report: Taliban uses youths in Afghan […] SEE THE VIDEO On 911, “Death to America!”: US Flag Burned By Muslims Outside US Embassy in London “Burn, Burn USA!” “Scum” shouts a passerby at the infiltrators who now feel so emboldened, so confident of their ultimate victory, that on Sept. 11, they feel free to do this absolutely unopposed, with the […] NJ Town Files Suit Against Rat/Roach Slumlord Imam Feisal Raul of Ground Zero Mosque Infamy “The Record also reported that Rauf had ties to local waterfront developer Fred Daibes, and was sued by a Daibes associate who had charged the imam [Rauf] with mortgage fraud in 2008, a suit that was settled in June. […]
Mark Steyn Obama still can’t say who we’re at war with Mark Steyn, Not long after the Ayatollah Khomeini announced his fatwa against Salman Rushdie, the British novelist suddenly turned up on a Muslim radio station in West London late one night and told his interviewer he’d converted to Islam. Marvelous religion, couldn’t […] 9/11 Anniversary: Media Manipulation and Lies September 13, 2010 – The Editor The hysteria that accompanied the build-up to the ninth anniversary of 9/11, fueled by arguments about the Ground Zero Mosque and a plan to burn Korans, threatened to overshadow the somber reflection that usually accompanies 9/11 anniversaries. Though Pastor Terry Jones of Gainesville Florida […]
IN NYREP. PRIMARY GO FOR LAZIO AND MALPASS AND ALL THE CONSERVATIVES FOR CONGRESS AND SENATE,-HI,-MD,-MA,-NH,-NY,-RI,-WIDelaware O’DONNELL VS. CASTLE FOR GOP NOMINATION Dist. of Columbia MAYORAL RACE Maryland WHO WILL FACE BARBARA MIKULSKI? Massachusetts New Hampshire New York Primary – Polls Rhode Island Primary Wisconsin Primary – Polls YOU CAN THANK THE MUSE OF JUNK SCIENCE, RACHEL CARSON FOR THIS TRAGEDY….AND THIS NOT INCLUDE SO MANY INSECT BORNE INFECTIONS THAT DISABLE SO MANY EVEN HERE IN THE UNITED STATES…UNFORTUNATELY THE MOVIE IN NYC WILL BE SCREENED ON THE EVE OF YOM KIPPUR …..SEE IF YOU CAN GET IT ANOTHER TIME…..RSK .Malaria: “3 […],css.print/pub_detail.asp We are Not at War with Islam – Islam is at War with Us September 13, 2010 – Paul Williams, PhD President Barack Obama, speaking to a gathering at the Pentagon in commemoration of 9/11, said. “As Americans, we will not or ever be at war with Islam.” Maybe not, but Islam is at war with […]
West Bank Dreams and Gaza Realities Posted By P. David Hornik With the Jewish New Year, a time of prayer and reflection, falling this year from Wednesday evening through Friday, it wasn’t a very peaceful time for residents of southwestern Israel. From Wednesday morning, just before the holiday, to Sunday morning, a total of […] Imam Rauf on Israel’s Destruction Posted By Ryan Mauro Newly discovered statements by Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf [1], the man behind the Ground Zero mosque project, show he supports the destruction of Israel. His supporters may hold him up as a moderate, but he has spoken out in favor of a “one-state solution” to […]