How the Left Undermined America’s Security Before 9/11 [The following article by David Horowitz first appeared in our March 24, 2004 issue. We are reprinting it to mark the nine year anniversary of 9/11. — The Editors.] While the nation was having a good laugh at the expense of Florida’s hanging chads and butterfly […] “Shhhhhhh, we’re told. Don’t protest the Ground Zero mosque. Don’t burn a Koran. It’ll imperil the troops. It’ll inflame tensions. The “Muslim world” will “explode” if it does not get its way, warns sharia-peddling imam Feisal Abdul Rauf. Pardon my national-security-threatening impudence, but when is the “Muslim world” not ready to “explode”?” If they’re […] “Military officials chose to burn the Bibles rather than send them back to the church, fearing the church would send them to another organization in Afghanistan. “ Burning Qurans and Bibles By Wendy Wright Attorney General Eric Holder called it “idiotic” and “dangerous.” Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says it is “disrespectful.” A […] KUHNER: Obama’s Koran-burning hypocrisy Secular left built a world without taboos, now bewails its consequences By Jeffrey T. Kuhner – The Washington Times 7:01 p.m., Thursday, September 9, 2010 Illustration: Flag burning by Greg Groesch for The Washington Times Liberals love the Koran. This is the message that was sent in advance of Rev. […] EDITORIAL: Burn flags, not Korans? Turning 9/11 into a Muslim outreach day By THE WASHINGTON TIMES – The Washington Times 7:01 p.m., Thursday, September 9, 2010 Pastor Terry Jones of the Dove World Outreach Center speaks to the media as Imam Muhammad Musri of the Islamic Society of Central Florida looks on at left, […]
The man out to topple Barney Frank Send RSS Sean Bielat is a whip-smart 35-year-old Marine, a successful business manager, and a first-time candidate for Congress against a 29-year incumbent. Mission impossible? Maybe not. “WHEN I WAS YOUNG, I was a Democrat because I wanted to help people,” says Sean Bielat, who is […]
Editorial Connecticut Jewish Ledger September 10, 2010 Posted 9-8-2101 Peace Talks Leave Death in their Wake There is a sameness about these things called ‘peace talks’. Press releases that precede them, the bullying that accompanies them, the false optimism that exudes from them and the inevitable murders that punctuate them. Always the murders. Contributor Frederic […] Back in 2005, Danish prime minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen set the gold standard on defending free speech when, on being approached by perpetually aggrieved Islamic ambassadors hoping for official redress against Jyllands Posten (Cartoon Rage was just kicking in), he refused to hear their plaints, explaining to them and the world that it was […] Here’s how not to start off your op-ed about why you want to build the Ground Zero Mosque: By Jim Treacher | Published: 11:18 AM 09/08/2010 | Updated: 3:57 PM 09/08/2010 A story about your airplane ride. Feisal Abdul Rauf in the New York Times (where else?): As my flight approached America last weekend, […]
Guest Columnist: The Irish boycott: What a joke By JULIE BURCHILL 08/09/2010 Until Ireland sorts itself out and stops projecting its own neuroses onto the tiny Jewish state, you guys will just have to struggle on as best you can without those all-important Irish intellectuals and artists. To start with, it goes without saying […]