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Ruth King

Empower the of People of Iran Who Seek Change and Freedom by Majid Rafizadeh


European governments, rather than risking confrontation with Iran’s regime, have preferred to maintain business relations and avoid taking any position that might upset the mullahs. Those countries are complicit in the suffering of the Iranian people. The unalleviated silence emboldens the regime, rather than holds it accountable.

After nearly four decades of maintaining diplomatic relationships with the Islamic Republic of Iran, the time is long overdue for Western nations to take a real stand. If these countries genuinely believe in the principles of “democracy” and “freedom” that they so often preach, they would look a lot more credible if they demonstrated this professed commitment by genuinely supporting Iranians yearning for freedom.

This would mean cutting diplomatic ties with Iran, imposing and enforcing serious primary and secondary sanctions on the regime, putting military options on the table, and fully supporting Israel and, one hopes, the incoming US administration, in putting a permanent end to Iran’s nuclear program as well as to its brutal, expansionist regime.

Only then will the actions of these nations align with their suspect rhetoric about “human rights,” and show that they are willing to deliver real backing to those risking their lives for change in one of the world’s most repressive states.

For decades, the brave people of Iran have arisen time and again, demanding a future free from oppression and authoritarian rule.

In recent years, Iranians have launched countless uprisings, each filled with hope and courage, only to be met with violent repression from the regime, and mainly indifference from abroad. Each wave of protests saw the regime’s security forces killing thousands of demonstrators, and imprisoning and torturing many more. These movements have shown the strength of the Iranian people’s resolve, but despite their cries for freedom, support from the West— usually merely vocal, about the ideals of democracy — has remained disappointingly muted.

Douglas Murray on why he defends Israel – Freedom of Zion Conference in Jerusalem VIDEO


Making it a crime for the Jews to defend themselves The ICC’s issuing of arrest warrants for Israeli leaders is a vile act of moral inversion. Brendan O’Neill


Let’s speak plainly about what happened yesterday. Four hundred and eleven days after the Jews were subjected to the worst act of anti-Semitic barbarism since the Holocaust, arrest warrants were issued for the Jews who fought back. Thirteen months after Israel was invaded by the racist killers of Hamas, indictments were made against the men who pursued those racist killers. A little over a year since a species of fascism was visited on the world’s only Jewish nation, the Jewish nation’s own leaders found themselves turned into fugitives for the ‘crime’ of fighting that fascism.

When all is said and done, this is what the International Criminal Court’s arrest warrants for Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant add up to: the creeping criminalisation of the Jewish State’s right to defend itself against the armies of anti-Semites that wish to destroy it. The ICC and its voluble cheerleaders in the Israelophobic set have just engaged in one of the most chilling acts of moral inversion of recent times: they have made criminal suspects of those who stood up to one of the gravest crimes of the 21st century so far.

It matters not one iota what we might think of Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, or Gallant, who was Israel’s defence minister until he was fired earlier this month. Everyone, from the ICC’s own activists-cum-judges down to the millions of tweeters gloating over the arrest warrants, knows full well it isn’t only those two men who’ve been indicted – all of Israel has. As a writer for the Jerusalem Post says, the warrants inflame the fashionable prejudice that says Israel is a ‘pariah state’, meaning the entire nation is likely to pay a ‘dramatic cost’ for what the ICC has done. This is right. A nation subjected to one of the most barbarous assaults of our era is indicted for being barbarous – truth and reason turned utterly on their heads.

There is much to discuss about the ICC’s cynical, dangerous stunt. There’s the ridiculousness of its issuing of a warrant for Mohammed Deif, leader of Hamas’s military wing, alongside Netanyahu and Gallant. Deif is widely thought to be dead, courtesy of an Israeli strike in July. Many suspect his name was only included to add a gloss of impartiality to the ICC’s imperious meddling with Israel’s right to wage war on the anti-Semites who attack it. What’s more, what an outrage to imply moral equivalence between the fascist who butchered Jews and the democratic Jewish nation that pushed back against him. It terrifies me that a chief institution of the ‘rules-based order’ is so bereft of moral reason that it seemingly cannot distinguish between fascism and fascism’s target, between the man who started a war and the men who responded in kind.

Then there’s the staggering cant of Western leaders puffing themselves up to say they will obey the ICC and arrest these wicked Israelis should they set foot on their soil. Behold the grim audacity of Justin Trudeau saying he will ‘abide’ by the ICC’s decision. Canada took part in the post-9/11 Afghan War whose consequences were far more devastating than what is happening in Gaza. Tens of thousands perished in that calamity. Millions were plunged into ‘acute food insecurity’ – what we used to call starvation. Address your own nation’s ‘crimes’, Justin.

Keir Starmer has indicated that Britain, too, will abide by the ICC. Oh, will we? The nation that was a key player in Afghanistan and Iraq – wars that killed more people than every war Israel has been involved in since 1948 combined – will arrest these suspected ‘war criminals’? Who’s buying this? Who’s falling for this posturing of politicians who lead states whose warmongering makes Israel’s look like small fry in comparison? I know who: the myopic Israel-haters of the woke left and hard right who have convinced themselves, in the absence of anything resembling evidence, that Israel is a ‘uniquely murderous’ state. So deep are these people in the poison well of Israelophobia that they will gladly cheer anyone – even nations with higher kill counts than Israel’s – who agrees to treat Israel as the great untouchable of world affairs.

Then there’s the infantile treatment of war as a crime. The ICC charges Netanyahu and Gallant with such ‘crimes against humanity’ as withholding food, water and medicine from Gaza and thus causing ‘severe suffering’ to its people. I hate to say this, but this is what happens in war. Normalcy ends, things run out, people go hungry, people suffer, people die. It is dreadful. It is why, ideally, wars should not be started. It is why Hamas should not have started this one, this infernal clash that has doomed so many Palestinian innocents alongside Israelis.

All wars contain such horrors. Acute malnutrition doubled in Iraq in the year after the allies’ invasion in March 2003. A savage famine has ravaged Yemen as a result of the Western-backed Saudi war there. And yet Mohammed bin Salman still swishes around his palaces, mingles with Western leaders, and rarely troubles the consciences of the West’s woke loathers of Israel.

For 24 hours straight we’ve been treated to the nauseating spectacle of states and even terror groups that are genuinely murderous welcoming the ICC’s indictment of Israel’s ‘murderers’. Turkey, violent suppressor of the Kurds, described the arrest warrants as an ‘extremely important step’ towards ‘justice’. Jordan, the state that fought a vicious year-long war against the Palestine Liberation Organisation in the 1970s, said it will implement the ICC’s ruling. Even Hamas is now in love with the ICC, despite its indictment of Deif, cheering it for sending an important message to ‘every war criminal’. Guilt by association is bad politics, I know, but, seriously, if your actions make the fascist terrorists of Hamas grin from ear to ear, it is time for a moral rethink.

Elizabeth Weiss, James W. Springer Anthropology in Retreat Academics and government officials privilege “indigeneity” ideology at the expense of genuine research.


Many anthropologists place social-justice ideology over verifiable facts, from denying the sex binary to spinning false narratives of mass child graves in Indian schools to recasting “indigenous knowledge” as a source of scientific evidence. To this list add acceptance of Native American oral myths and creation stories. Arising from an ideology that divides humanity into oppressors and oppressed and rejects the concept of objective truth, such myth acceptance increasingly factors into questions of repatriation and reburial—whether, say, to give ancient skeletal and artifact collections to modern tribes whose connection to the remains may be obscure. The result: woke anthropologists and tribal activists exploit government rules to derail science, all in the name of social justice.

The long, complex history of Indian tribes has been one of change and contradiction. Once at war with American settlers and later subject to assimilation policies, Indian tribes today possess legal powers comparable with those of no other group. Activist elements within tribes wield this power to suppress research on the anthropology of American Indians that contradicts traditional religious beliefs.

Some of the research on Paleoindians, for example, reveals that these earliest Americans were genetically distinct from later arrivals. Yet these findings have come under attack from Indian activists who cite oral myths declaring that they have been in North America since time immemorial. Research that portrays past North American Indians unfavorably, meantime, also faces censorship pressures. Any paper marshaling evidence on intertribal warfare, cannibalism, slavery in pre-contact America, or environmentally devastating land-use practices will face numerous challenges, as tribes push for research on topics “relevant to tribal interests.”

The Rise of Market Originalism Trump faces substantial economic challenges, including inflation and national debt, and should use America’s early economic history to guide policies focused on decentralization and deregulation. By Stephen Soukup


Republicans have more than ample cause for celebration at the moment. Their victory in this month’s election was sweeping, and the new president and Congress will take office with a true mandate for change.

At the same time, President Trump finds himself in an awkward position, having promised to improve the nation’s economic trajectory while, at the same time, restraining sticky and discomfiting inflation. As I have noted elsewhere, in many ways, the president’s hands are tied. The condition of the nation’s fisc is perilous, and the reinvigorated Bond Vigilantes stand ready to ensure that the situation does not deteriorate further, exacerbated by either increased spending or reduced revenues. President Trump has promised to restore the nation’s economic vitality, but even his party’s largest donors have warned him that the traditional conservative policy to promote economic growth—income tax cuts—is economically risky under current conditions.

Given all of this, President Trump and his economic advisors will have to be resourceful and creative to find ways to nurture economic growth. They will have to think thoroughly about the existing barriers to widespread economic growth and will have to be thoughtful yet aggressive in dismantling those barriers to “make America great again.”

Fittingly, the answers Trump’s economic brain trust should seek are those that focus on the last of the four words in this longstanding catchphrase: again. In short, the formula for economic growth and prosperity can, in part, be found buried in the nation’s past. We, as a nation, can and should focus on making America economically great by employing that formula again.

At the risk of falling prey to “the Golden Age Myth,” I believe it’s important to understand that the nation’s greatest period of economic growth and expansion took place before the economic and political centralization that accompanied (and defined) the “modern era.” One of the keys to restoring the nation’s economic potential, therefore, is recognizing what originally made the American experiment so politically and economically potent.

Liz Peek: It’s Elon Musk’s America — and the left can’t stand it


The political left already hates Elon Musk. But its anger toward the disruptive billionaire, Tesla founder and now Donald Trump bestie is only going to get worse.   

Musk’s likely success in artificial intelligence poses a long-term threat to liberals who hope to dominate not only how we look backward — that is, how our history is written — but also the political climate in which we move forward. Just as Musk’s purchase of Twitter crushed liberals’ stranglehold on social media, his growing presence in AI promises to dilute the left’s control of the emerging technology.   

The Democratic establishment, led by the Biden-Harris White House, is not taking Musk’s political realignment lying down.  

The New York Times reports that Musk’s multiple businesses “have been targeted in at least 20 recent investigations or reviews, including over the safety of his Tesla cars and the environmental damage caused by his rockets.” Many of these attacks are idiotic, including the FAA’s delay weeks ago of a rocket test because a similar launch had disturbed birds’ nests nearby. Never mind that the U.S. is in a critical race against China to get men to the moon, and that the rocket in question has been commissioned by the U.S. government to get the job done. 

More craziness against Musk’s firms came from the Justice Department, which claims SpaceX has illegally discriminated “against asylees and refugees in hiring.” In other words, SpaceX, a company engaged in top secret undertakings for our government, is being sued for only hiring U.S. citizens or green card holders. 

You can’t make this up.  

The left is furious that the Tesla founder set out to restore free speech by buying Twitter (now X) and then published the infamous Twitter files, exposing efforts by federal officials to censor conservative voices. Amazingly, they hate him for putting electric vehicles on the map — actually enabling their climate change ambitions — because he used non-union labor to do it.  

Bari Weiss: The Old World Is Not Coming Back It is on us to build the new one—and to ensure that it is free. That begins by telling the truth.


On November 12th, I spoke to the General Assembly in Washington D.C., which is an annual conference of the Jewish Federations—the largest Jewish organization in North America. There was a lot to talk about this year. 

When did you know? 

Looking back, now that we are on the far side, I wonder: When did you realize that things had changed? 

When did you know that the things we had taken for granted were suddenly out of our reach? That the norms that felt as certain as gravity had disappeared? That the institutions that had launched our grandparents had turned hostile to our children? 

When did you notice that what had once been steady was now shaky ground? Did you look down to see if your own knees were trembling?

When did you realize that we were not immune from history, but living inside of it? 

When did you see that our world was actually the world of yesterday—and a new one, one with far fewer certainties, one where everything seems up for grabs, was coming into being? 

Maybe it was September 11, 2001, when Islamist terrorists murdered 3,000 Americans. Maybe you noticed, as my friend Jonathan Rosen did, that “an explosion of Jew hatred seemed to have ridden in on the contrails of the airplanes that jihadists had turned into weapons of mass destruction and aimed at the heart of American civilization.” 

Maybe it was the second intifada, in which everyday places—Mike’s Place and Sbarro and Café Moment and the Dolphinarium—became synonyms for slaughterhouses, even as few of our would-be allies said their names.

Or maybe it was on February 1, 2002, when al-Qaeda beheaded the journalist Daniel Pearl in Pakistan as he spoke his final words: “My father is Jewish, my mother is Jewish, I am Jewish.”

Or maybe it wasn’t until the Shabbat morning of October 27, 2018, when a neo-Nazi gunned down 11 Jews at Tree of Life while shouting, “All Jews must die!” 

Or maybe it was the shooting, six months later, at the Chabad of Poway. For Hannah Kaye, who witnessed the murder of her mother, Lori Gilbert Kaye, it surely was. Or maybe it was in January of 2022, when a gunman held the congregants of Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas, hostage. 

Penalizing the criminal international court Ruthie Blum


Senate Majority Leader-elect John Thune (R-S.D.) on Thursday called the International Criminal Court’s issuing of arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Defense Minister Yoav Gallant “outrageous, unlawful and dangerous.”

Thune then demanded that current Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) “bring a bill to the floor sanctioning the ICC,” warning that “if he chooses not to act, the new Senate Republican majority next year will.”

The double threat—aimed simultaneously at Schumer and the kangaroo court at The Hague—was significant for two reasons.

First, Thune has good reason to finger-wag at his Democrat counterparts, thanks to their disturbing attitude towards Israel. Professing an “ironclad commitment” to the Jewish state’s “right to defend itself” while withholding crucial arms shipments to America’s key ally and only democracy in the Middle East has made them deserving of suspicion by the likes of Thune and the rest of the unflinchingly pro-Israel Republicans.

The fact that a whopping 19 Democrat senators voted this week to advance resolutions put forth by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) to block the transfer to Jerusalem of offensive weaponry necessary for its self-defense is a case in point.

Though Schumer—like President Joe Biden and other members of his party who have been critical of Israel’s prosecution of the wars in Gaza and Lebanon—opposed those resolutions, they’ve been openly hostile to the Netanyahu government since its inception; so much so that they’ve never concealed their desire for it to be toppled.

Second, there are concrete steps that the powers that be in D.C. can take against the ICC, such as the Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act, passed in May by the U.S. House of Representatives. House Speaker Mike Johnson on Friday reiterated his demand that the Senate vote on it “immediately.”

Similar to Thune, Johnson pulled no punches.

Flunked out: 3000% spike in campus antisemitism post-Oct. 7 “Higher education institutions have utterly failed to protect its Jewish students, allowing violent antisemitism to thrive,” StopAntisemitism founder says.


A disturbing new report from Stop Antisemitism reveals an unprecedented surge in antisemitic incidents on US college campuses in the wake of the Oct. 7, 2023, Hamas attack on Israel, with Jewish students facing increasing harassment, exclusion, and safety concerns.

The organization’s 2024 College Report, which evaluated 25 higher education institutions across the nation, documented a staggering 3,000% increase in antisemitic incident reports compared to the previous year, forcing the watchdog group to triple its staff size to handle the flood of submissions.

The report paints a troubling picture of campus life for Jewish students, with more than half reporting direct experiences of antisemitism at their schools. According to the survey, 55% of Jewish students have been victims of antisemitism, while 43% feel compelled to hide their Jewish identity from classmates out of fear. Perhaps most concerning, 72% of students reported feeling unwelcome in certain campus spaces simply for being Jewish.

The institutional response to these challenges has been notably inadequate, with only two out of 25 surveyed schools responding to requests for information about their handling of antisemitism – a sharp decline from seven respondents the previous year. The report also found that 67% of Jewish students say they are completely excluded from their school’s DEI initiatives, while 69% report being blamed for Israel’s actions.

Several prestigious universities received failing marks in the report’s grading system. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) saw its grade drop from a C to an F following multiple incidents, including a three-week pro-Palestinian encampment where participants called for violence against Jewish students. The evaluation considered multiple criteria: protection measures, allyship initiatives, identity support, and policy implementation.

The Pope’s embrace of evil With his attack on Israel fighting for its life, the pontiff has taken the Vatican backwards into a very dark past Melanie Phillips


With just a few words, Pope Francis has plunged relations between Jews and Catholics into their worst crisis for decades and undone years of delicate rapprochement.

In a new book published for the Catholic Church’s jubilee year, he wrote:

According to some experts, what is happening in Gaza has the characteristics of a genocide. We should investigate carefully to determine whether it fits into the technical definition formulated by jurists and international bodies.

This is far from the first time the Pope has attacked Israel over the war against Hamas and Hezbollah.

In September, he berated Israel for an immoral lack of proportion. “Defence must always be proportionate to the attack,” he said. “When there is something disproportionate, one shows a tendency to dominate which goes beyond what is moral.”

These remarks are deeply troubling. They are the accusations routinely made by the enemies of Israel in the west, and they are shameful on many levels.

The “genocide” claim is as ludicrous as it is monstrous. Genocide is the intentional annihilation of a people. Yet according to the CIA’s World Factbook, the population of the Gaza Strip has grown by 2.02 percent since the October 7 pogrom and the war that has followed.

Far from intending to wipe out the residents of Gaza, the Israel Defence Forces have been shunting them around the Strip in order to get them out of harm’s way as the IDF has pounded Hamas.

The Pope is also wrong about proportionality in warfare. Defensive military action must be proportionate not to any one attack but to the threat posed by the enemy. The threat against Israel is the stated intention to eradicate it from the face of the earth. What does the Pope believe is the proportionate response to that?

If he really is arguing that the response should be identical in scope and nature to the attack, is he therefore proposing that Israel should set out to murder, rape and mutilate 1,200 Gazans as they did to the Israelis on October 7? Or fire tens of thousands of rockets and drones at civilians in Gaza and Lebanon with the intention of murdering them, as Hamas and Hezbollah have done to Israeli civilians for years?