ALLEN WEST IS THE DREAM CANDIDATE….WHO COULD TURN CONGRESS AROUND BY SHEER DINT OF BRILLIANCE, COMMITMENT AND VALOR…..RSK If that does not work, you may also access it here: Strategic Vision or Political Convenience? Congressional candidate Allen West Greetings Patriot! My experiences in Iraq go back to 1991 with Operations Desert Shield/Storm as […] A Tale of Two Lobbies By Ruth R. Wisse The problem of the Arab-Israel conflict begins with the term itself, which misrepresents the unilateral Arab war against Israel as a bilateral dispute. Unilateral aggression is not unheard of—when did Poland ever aggress against Germany or Russia?—but nothing in United Nations history compares in intensity […] Obama to Rabbis: Ignore negative public statements by Abbas and Netanyahu Posted By Josh Rogin Wednesday, September 8, 2010 – FOREIGN POLICY President Obama, in a private conference call Wednesday, told an audience of Jewish leaders to discount non-constructive statements made by Israeli and Palestinian leaders as Middle East peace talks move forward, saying […]
NRO — The Corner “He’s going to burn a Koran? Quick, let’s go join a terrorist organization that mass-murders people” September 9, 2010 1:09 P.M. By Andy McCarthy Hi gang, nice to be back. Unfortunately, as I describe further in today’s column,[1] it’s like I never left. In the column, I suggest we can […] Imam Rauf’s Precious Concern for ‘Our National Security’ September 9, 2010 2:20 P.M. By Andy McCarthy I don’t know about you, but I’m having trouble following Imam Feisal Rauf’s logic on the relationship between the Ground Zero mosqe (GZM) and jihadist terror. As those of us who oppose the GZM have pointed out, even if […] THANKS TO PAM GELLER ATLAS SHRUGS Chancellor Merkel to Honor Dutch Cartoonist [ Berlin: Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard, who in 2005 portrayed the Prophet Mohammed wearing a bomb in his turban, is to receive the M100 Media Prize in Germany on Wednesday, organisers said. The prize is to be awarded for Westergaard’s […] Can Imam Rauf be Trusted? September 9, 2010 – The Editor Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf appeared on CNN last night, on the Larry King Show. Interviewed by Soledad O’Brien, he spoke of how he has served his community. The video is below. Strangely – considering how the president had argued at an iftar dinner on Friday […] The Day the Sky Fell Tuesday. Another morning in downtown Manhattan. The canyons of the financial district swell with men and women in business suits, briefcases confidently swinging, a cup of coffee or a pastry dangling from one hand. Few of them were bothering to look up at the sky. They owned the sky. […] ANDREW McCARTHY Burning Questions The Koran-burning stunt is a stupid and pointless provocation — sound familiar? How do you know your vacation has been too short? You leave behind one charlatan, whose concept of “building bridges” is a patently offensive project to build a giant Islamic center on a site where the remains of […]
ADRIAN MORGAN From Burning Heretics to Burning Books September 8, 2010 – Currently, the airwaves around the world are reverberating to the news of the proposed actions of a few angry evangelical Christians. The congregation of the Dove World Outreach Center, led by Pastor Terry Jones, intends to incinerate a few thousand Korans on Saturday, […]