another question… about peaceful Moslems in Minnesotta denouncing the fact that so many young adherents of their community have fled to Somali to join Al-Shabbab.? State Fairs should explain AMERICA to them and no the other way around…..rsk Why weren’t they arrested? Asks Pamela Geller…read this Back in June, four Christians were arrested in […] Bring Back Islam’s Mutazilite “Golden Ageâ€? Posted By Andrew Bostom On September 4, 2010 Ignaz Goldziher (d. 1921) on the Mutazilite revisionism of his era: Authors of sophistic fantasies about hypothetical developments in Islam at times draw pictures of how salutary it would have been to the evolution of Islam if the Mutazila had […] A Tale of Two European Remarks: De Gucht and Sarrazin Posted: 04 Sep 2010 06:18 PM PDT In August, Thilo Sarrazin a member of the board of the German Central Bank, and a critic of Islamic immigration, mentioned that Jews and Basque and some other ethnic groups have a common gene. What followed was […]–crime-6271 “Organized†crime by Andrew C. McCarthy On the President’s favorite philosopher, Saul Alinsky. It is a matter of no small amusement for the journalist and agitator Nicholas von Hoffman that his beloved mentor, Saul Alinsky, learned the craft of “organizing†at the feet of Chicago’s most notorious mobsters. This was nearly eighty years before […] By Amy Gardner and Philip Rucker Friday, September 3, 2010; 1:43 PM FAIRBANKS, ALASKA – The people who live in the farther-flung cities of this farthest-flung state take a frontier pride in their physical and cultural distance from the cushy “Lower 48.” Many will tell you that they are especially wary of the federal […] Behind the Cordoba Mosque Controversy September 4, 2010 - Mark Silverberg While liberal elites focus on the soon-to-rise Cordoba mosque near the site of the destroyed Twin Towers of the World Trade Center and see it as a symbol of religious tolerance, liberty and interfaith understanding, other issues have been pushed to the sidelines – issues […] On September 2nd, direct talks began between Arabs and Israelis. During the August 20 press conference announcing the talks, Special Envoy for Middle East Peace George Mitchell was asked by a reporter whether President Obama would be seen as an “honest broker†by the two sides. In the case of Israel, the answer, to […]
The Editors THIS IS WHAT GETS MY GOAT THE MOST…WHEN TRUE FRIENDS AND SUPPORTERS OF ISRAEL CONTINUE TO DISCUSS THE VIABILITY OF A PALARAB STATE FORGETTING THE OBVIOUS….THERE IS A PALARAB STATE IN 82% OF PALESTINE….REPEAT…THERE IS AN EXISTING PALARAB STATE IN 82% OF PALESTINE AND THE NAME IS JORDAN AND THE KINGLET OF […] Seeing Red: Jewish Blood on the West Bank, Its Portrayal in the Western Media Tales From The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Post Four young civilians — human beings, fathers, mothers, one of whom was also pregnant, collectively the parents of seven children — were brutally gunned down by armed, […]
Israeli-Palestinian Direct Talks Will Lead Directly to Failure URL to article: Posted By David Solway The “Israeli-Palestinian direct talks†are now underway in Washington in which, yet once again, the intractable dilemma that bedevils the region will be addressed and hopefully resolved, at least in part. All the parties have expressed a guarded optimism, […]