Electing Another People http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/ After the uprising of the 17th of June The Secretary of the Writers Union Had leaflets distributed in the Stalinallee Stating that the people Had forfeited the confidence of the government And could win it back only By redoubled efforts. Would it not be easier In that case for the government […]
http://www.andrewbostom.org/blog/2010/08/24/islamophilic-indoctrination-in-new-york-high-schools/ Islamophilic Indoctrination in New York High Schools Posted By Andrew Bostom On August 24, 2010 Mahmud of Ghazni, early 11th century Muslim jihadist who ravaged Hindu India during at least 17 conquering expeditions waged over 25 years. What New York High School students are required to affirm on their State Regents exams in global […]
http://www.thejerusalemconnection.us/news-archive/category/victor-sharpe Imam Faisal’s Bridge to Nowhere by Victor Sharpe The Imam who is pushing for the construction of the Cordoba victory mosque is strangely and troublingly embraced by the U.S. State Department to an extent that leaves many puzzled and alarmed. Why has Hillary Clinton funded this Imam as he tours the Middle East at […]
http://frontpagemag.com/2010/08/25/the-islamophobia-canard/ The “Islamophobia†Canard: Rich Trzupek Apologists for the proposed Ground Zero mosque in New York City initially adopted a defensive posture. They assured us that all Muslims wanted to do by building the fifteen story, multimillion Park51 cultural center and mosque was to promote healing between different cultures and religions. That story didn’t sell […]
http://www.jewishworldreview.com/cols/hentoff082510.php3 Am I also a bigot? Pols clueless on Ground Zero mosque By Nat Hentoff The angry national debate over Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf’s intention to build a mosque two blocks north of the horror of 9/11 at Ground Zero has been further fueled by supporter Nancy Pelosi declaring, “I join those who have called […]
http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/aug/24/14th-amendment-never-meant-for-illegals/?page=1 GERALD WALPIN WAS FIRED WITHOUT CAUSE BY PRESIDENT OBAMA FOR DOING HIS JOB AND EXPOSING CHICANERY….IT WAS THE FIRST EXAMPLE OF MANY SUBVERSIONS OF LAW BY THE PRESENT ADMINISTRATION….RSK WALPIN: 14th Amendment never meant for illegals Proposed Texas law could force Supreme Court to decide By Gerald Walpin The Washington Times 5:23 p.m., Tuesday, […]
http://www.commentarymagazine.com/blogs/index.php/category/contentions Wednesday, Aug 25 For Secretary of Defense? Jennifer Rubin – 08.25.2010 – 7:32 AM Chuck Hagel made news by endorsing Joe Sestak, but quite apart from Sestak there is reason to examine Hagel’s record. The administration, it seems, is seriously considering him for secretary of defense when Robert Gates retires. Yes, Hagel – the Republican opposed […]
http://www.freepressers.com/2010/08/vietnam-is-not-repeat-not-mighty-mouse/ Vietnam is not repeat not Mighty Mouse Posted by Freepressers China, Correspondents, East Asia, Sol W. Sanders By Sol W. Sanders, WorldTribune.com The setting was hardly a geopolitical forum. There was tea — but no crumpets — in my tiny, then less than fashionable, Hudson Street West Village studio. It was 1951. I had […]
http://www.carolineglick.com/e/2010/08/israel-fights-the-demagogues.php Israel fights the demagogues Israeli academia is in an uproar. And this is a good thing. Last week, the Zionist student movement Im Tirtzu opened a rather modest campaign against Ben-Gurion University’s Politics and Government Department. And the howls of protest stretched from the Negev to the border with Lebanon. Im Tirtzu is a […]
Mosques are the Trojan horse for the Islamist.www.standupamericaus.com Bring On the Mosque, Bring On the Terror by Rowan Scarborough 08/24/2010 Mosques have been used extensively by al-Qaeda operatives and other Islamic terrorists to recruit, finance operations and train zealots to commit attacks—a fact often ignored by advocates of building a huge Muslim religious center in […]