Winning hearts and minds means losing your own Basic Training as Basic Submission Written by:Diana West DIANA WEST Winning hearts and minds means losing your own. It involves teaching defenders of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to “respect” an Islamic tribal culture (as advocated by Admiral Mullen and […] Will an IDF Withdrawal from the West Bank Mean a Safe Haven for Extremist Groups? Col. Richard Kemp is former Commander of British Forces in Afghanistan. This Jerusalem Issue Brief is based on his presentation at a conference on “Israel’s Critical Security Needs for a Viable Peace,” held in Jerusalem on June 2, 2010. […] Why the Left Hates Democracy Posted: 21 Aug 2010 07:01 PM PDT Democratic governments derive their legitimacy from popular support in direct elections. Non-Democratic governments derive their legitimacy from a “special duty” to protect the country as embodied by a particular racial or economic group, in accordance with a set of overriding values. Such […]
Imam Feisal’s Trip of ‘Great Importance’: We Have a Sighting in Bahrain URL to article: Posted By Claudia Rosett On August 21, 2010 @ 10:17 pm In Uncategorized | No Comments Thank you, New York Post. We have a report Saturday that “[a]ppearing in public for the first time in weeks,†the man behind […]
My Place in West Point’s Ring Cycle By MARGARET LOUGH West Point, N.Y. Yesterday the first class cadets at West Point, also known as firsties, changed from their drab, gray class uniforms to the crisp and seldom-worn India Whites, belted with the red sash that denotes a senior. Surrounded by family and friends, we […] Desperation Time Jennifer Rubin – 08.22.2010 – 8:00 AM The Democrats are now in full retreat. Less 75 days before the midterm elections, the Republicans have a historic lead in congressional generic polling. The president’s approval rating is sinking. It is now every man for himself, as the Democrats scramble to be the ones […] Interview with Commentary Magazine about the Ground Zero Mosque How Is the Ground Zero Mosque Playing in NYC? Jennifer Rubin – 08.20.2010 – 7:45 AM It takes a perfect storm for the Republicans to win a congressional seat in Manhattan. But there is a storm brewing, so is it possible? Well, it’s not […]
NRO — The Corner “Islamophobia†Or Empowering Pro-Western Muslims? August 21, 2010 12:00 PM By Andy McCarthy My column today addresses what I think is the real battle for religious liberty in the Ground Zero mosque controversy. The question is whether, wittingly or unwittingly, we are going to keep supporting authoritarian Islam – the […]
} THIS WAS A JIHAD AND THE “TWO STATERS’ WHO THINK PALARAB BLOOD LUST CAN BE CONTROLLED WITH 2200 SQUARE MILES OF “WEST BANK” ARE FOOLS OR INDIFFERENT TO ISRAEL’S DESTRUCTION…..RSK Aug 23, 1929, The Arabs Massacred the Jews Of Hebron While the British Watched As Iran moves closer to producing nuclear weapons many […] Accommodation or resistance? A reply to Ron Radosh Posted By Roger Kimball Elsewhere at Pajamas Media, my friend Ron Radosh has posted a long and thoughtful “Message to Conservatives†[1] on the question “Is Islam Really our Enemy?†Now, you don’t nail up an open-letter, 39-Articles question like that — savor the force of […]