Stop the presses! This just in: The Associated Press “standards center†has issued a “staff advisory†on covering what is to be known from here on out as “the New York City mosque.†From now on, the AP “staff†– and, therefore, everybody who still actually reads newspapers that still actually use the wire […] Larry Kelley Islamist Infiltration Editor’s Note: This article first appeared in the May 2010 issue of Townhall Magazine. The Muslim Brotherhood is leading the way for radical Muslims to infiltrate American society and government. Their goal is simple: control the United States and impose Shariah law. In A.D. 622, Muhammad was forced to flee […]
Dreams of Our Fathers: Mark Levin, Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto (Simon and Schuster, 2009; 245 pages) in Azure, Summer 2010, no. 46, pp. 104-12. Reviewed by Daniel Mandel The Obama Administration had been only a few weeks in office before Mark R. Levin, conservative radio talk-show host, political commentator, and former adviser to […] A troubling milestone arrived on Thursday when the US withdrew its final combat brigade from Iraq. The remaining 50,000 US forces are charged with advising and training the Iraqi military. President Barack Obama has pledged to withdraw them as well by the end of next year. When US-led allied forces invaded Iraq seven years […]—an-interview-with-susan-kone.html CHALLENGING WASHINGTON POLITICS – An interview with Susan Kone BY: FERN SIDMAN As candidates throughout the nation gear up for what promises to be heated battles in the upcoming November mid-term elections, our regional candidates, some hitherto unknown to the public, are setting the stage to challenge the agenda of the Obama administration. Susan […] ERIK STAKELBECK Murfreesboro, Tennessee. – The proposed mega-mosque at Ground Zero has sparked outrage among many Americans. But far from the bright lights of Manhattan, there is another mosque firestorm brewing. CBN News recently visited one Tennessee town where locals are voicing concerns about their new “neighbor” – a multi-million dollar Islamic center. It’s […] In the furor over the proposed mosque at Ground Zero, the chief argument against it has been all but overlooked: it will be a huge security risk. Indeed “risk†is the wrong word: it is virtually guaranteed to become a potent engine for future attacks against this country. How can we know this? From experience. Just as the […] The Point of No Return The warnings of Benjamin Franklin and Abraham Lincoln have never been more relevant. How did we get to the point where many people feel that the America they have known is being replaced by a very different kind of country, with not only different kinds of policies but also […] IS IT NOT MORAL MYOPIA TO BACK A TWO STATE DISSOLUTION OF ISRAEL? MR. KRAUTHAMMER…THE MOSLEMS YOU DECRY ARE DRIVEN BY THE SAME IDEOLOGY THAT SEEKS TO DESTROY EVER VESTIGE OF JEWS IN PALESTINE….RSK Moral Myopia at Ground Zero Supporters of the mosque fail to see its true significance. It’s hard to be an […] The Imam Has Landed … So When Does He Phone Home? Posted By Claudia Rosett On August 19, 2010 It’s now almost a month since the imam behind the Ground Zero mosque project answered any questions from the U.S. media (or any other media, as far as I’m aware), or even bestirred himself […]