Palin Blasts Obama on Ground Zero Mosque Endorsement Brava to Governor Palin for standing up and speaking out against this profoundly insensitive and egregious attack on the American heart. Obama has sealed his fate and shown himself to the American people. Worse still for his party, but good for the American people, every Democrat […] We live in a pluralistic society with a guaranteed freedom to worship according to our own beliefs. This in itself is a remarkable right that should never be taken for granted. Somehow, that has become confused with the notion of each religion accommodating itself to other religions as a show of brotherhood. This is […]
“A country without secure borders can no more stand than can a house without walls!November 2nd cannot come fast enough!” Hi Gang: The news report I have attached below appeared in the Washington Times on Friday, August 13th and is an important report for you to pay attention to because it makes it clear […] Islam Means the End of Religious Freedom Posted: 14 Aug 2010 10:18 PM PDT At an Iftar dinner in the White House, Barack Hussein Obama proclaimed that he supports the building of the Ground Zero mosque as part of his “unshakable commitment to religious freedom”. Which of course sounds very noble and good, until […] Friday Afternoon Roundup – Salmonds, Chaouks and Other Strange Creatures With Alvin Greene indicted on obscenity charges, Rangel and Maxine Waters facing high profile ethics charges, this is not the best time ever to be a Democrat. Or so you would think. Nevertheless when Rangel threw his party/fundraiser, every Democrat in New York, including […] A new poll of the California Senate race conducted by SurveyUSA shows incumbent Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer slipping further behind her Republican challenger, Carly Fiorina. Last month, Boxer trailed Fiorina by two percentage points, winnning 45% of the vote. This month, Boxer’s support slipped to just 42%, now five points behind. Fiorina’s support remained […] Climate Ethics Prof. Donald Brown Exposed for ‘vacuous spinning of science and subpar understanding of climate bill’ ( ‘How would passing a climate bill that was ‘scientifically meaningless’ improve ethics or morality or the climate?’ Friday, August 13, 2010 – By Marc Morano – Climate Depot Climate Depot Editorial Note from Climate Depot’s Executive […]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: 914.844.3146 911 Families for a Safe & Strong America 9/11 Families Stunned by President’s Support of Mosque at Ground Zero Statement of Debra Burlingame, Co-founder of 9/11 Families for a Safe & Strong America, in Response to President Obama’s Remarks about the Ground Zero Mosque New York, NY, Aug. 14–Barack […]
August 14, 2010 4:00 A.M. American Taxpayer, Financial Jihadist Thanks to our takeover of AIG, we now are involved in Islamic finance. It is “financial jihad,†explained Yusuf Qaradawi, the Muslim Brotherhood’s sharia compass — and the man Feisal Rauf, the brains behind the proposed Ground Zero mosque, admires as “the most well-known legal […] Terror Ties: Ground Zero Imam Attended Hizb-ut Tahrir Conference Posted By Madeline Brooks In an earlier piece [1] for Pajamas Media, I wrote about how the imam behind the Ground Zero mosque never said “no†to Malaysian jihadists who advocated suicide bombing in Israel and America. Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf seems to have an […]