Angry, Trembly-Handed Al Gore in Bunker Conference Call August 13, 2010 – James Delingpole Angry butterball: Al Gore “This battle has not been successful and is pretty much over for this year,†a shaken Al Gore has told his supporters, conceding that there is now next to no chance of US Congress passing a […] A Bill Securing the Border, or a Political Gesture? August 13, 2010 – The Editor Today, President Obama will be signing into law a proposal that will give $600 million to securing the southern Mexican border. This money will go towards adding 1,500 new law enforcement agents, unmanned aerial vehicles and surveillance. The new […] The Left vs. America at Ground Zero Jennifer Rubin – 08.12.2010 – 7:23 AM The left — the J Street crowd, the media arbitrators of morality and tolerance, the blogospheric finger-waggers who disdain ordinary voters – has once again managed to find itself on the other side of a gulf from the American people. […] An Iranian Connection to the Cordoba House Ground Zero Mosque? Posted By Anne Bayefsky A Cordoba-Iranian connection? What exactly is “Islamicityâ€? More questions have arisen about the attempt to build a mosque adjacent to Ground Zero, as part of the so-called Cordoba Initiative. In particular, why has the Cordoba website just removed a photograph […]
Germany and the Real 9/11 Mosque Mohamed Atta’s former haunt was certainly a hub for terrorists, but keeping it open and under surveillance would have been the wiser course. By JOSEF JOFFE Hamburg ‘Why there?” asks an ad on New York City’s buses about the mosque to be built near Ground Zero. “Why so […]
NOW WHAT COULD OBAMA OFFER AH’JAD….MAYBE A WARNING MIXED WITH A PLEA THAT A TOUGHER CONGRESS IS COMING?RSK Barack Obama ‘may be prepared to meet Iranian president’ Barack Obama’s national security adviser, Gen James Jones, has indicated the President may be prepared to meet Mahmoud Ahmadinejad if the regime resumed negotiations over its nuclear […] Will the Real Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf Please Stand Up? By Eileen F. Toplansky So now the American people learn that the State Department will be “footing the bill for Feisal Abdul Rauf, the imam behind the controversial ground zero mosque, as he embarks on a tour of the Middle East.” The publicly funded […] EVERSOLE: Justice delayed for military voters Department ignores states’ likely refusal to comply with ballot rules By M. Eric Eversole – When Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. installed Thomas E. Perez as assistant attorney general for the Civil Rights Division, he emphasized the importance of being ready to confront 21st-century issues and doing […] WATCH THE GOVERNORS….THAT IS THE LOCUS FOR LEADERS IN 2010….THINK CHRISTIE, BREWER, DANIELS…MAYBE NIKKI HALEY, JINDAL, VIRGINIA GOV. McDONNELL…..RSK McCollum grabs lead in Florida polls Florida gubernatorial candidate hits Scott for dealings with clinic By Sean Lengell – View results Florida’s gubernatorial race continues to surprise, as a new poll shows state Attorney General […] Guide to the Perplexed By Caroline B. Glick | Israel’s leaders are reportedly concerning themselves with one question today: Are there any circumstances in which US President Barack Obama will order the US military to strike Iran’s nuclear installations before Iran develops a nuclear arsenal? From Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu down the line, […]