The Economist’s unforgivable silence on Sayyid Qutb’s anti-Semitism By Richard Cohen Tuesday, August 10, 2010; A17 I always read the Economist magazine. I like many things about it, but I particularly cherish its book reviews. They are cogent and snappily written, and they often deal with books that I don’t find reviewed elsewhere. An […] Thursday, August 12, 2010 Flotilla focus turning to terror ties U.S. investigation is moving into high gear by Joel Mowbray The fallout from the ill-fated “Freedom Flotilla” appears far from over. The initial reaction focused on Israel’s raid of the ship attempting to break the blockade of Gaza, which killed nine. Now, however, the […] Larry Elder Is Obama Winning the Hearts and Minds of the Arab and Muslim World? “It’s conceivable,” said then-presidential candidate Barack Obama in 2008, “that there are those in the Arab world who say to themselves, ‘This is a guy who spent some time in the Muslim world, has a middle name of Hussein, […]
The Poisoned Pen « Jerusalem Connection Writers Archives by Victor Sharpe “Then said Satan: This besieged one, how shall I overcome him? He has courage and ability, he has weapons and imagination. So he said: I shall not take his strength, nor muzzle nor bridle him. Nor soften nor weaken his hands, only one […]
Daisy’s Con: Ground Zero Mosque Imam’s Wife Tells Whopper About Me URL to article: I recently received a transcript of a Q&A session with Daisy Khan which occured this past July at the Chautauqua Institution. Khan is the wife of the infamous Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf — the man behind the highly controversial Islamic […] GO TO THE SITE FOR INFO AND PETITIONS By FOUAD AJAMI Not long ago Barack Obama, for those who were spellbound by him, had the stylishness of JFK and the historic mission of FDR riding to the nation’s rescue. Now it is to Lyndon B. Johnson’s unhappy presidency that Democratic strategist Robert Shrum compares the stewardship of Mr. Obama. Johnson, wrote Mr. […]
NRO — The Corner The Government Confiscates Your Money to Build Mosques August 11, 2010 8:30 AM By Andy McCarthy Interesting news in a Washington Times editorial this morning. It is all worth reading, including the first part, which deals with the strong evidence that, in funding Imam Feisal Rauf’s sojourn to the Arabian […]
Middle East Coexistence? On Aisle Two, Next to the Cornflakes Posted By Lenny and Shellie Ben-David The parking lot started the amazing experience — late model cars with Palestinian green and white license plates, interspersed with Israeli vans and jalopies with their black and yellow plates. The Rami Levy supermarket is located a few […]
Ground Zero Mosque: The Curse of Liberalism August 11, 2010 – The Editor The issue of the Ground Zero Mosque has become an issue of national concern. New York’s Mayor Bloomberg made a speech on Tuesday, August 3, on Governor’s Island. Surrounded by representatives of different religions, he invoked historical precedent 1657 and the […]