BERES: State of jihad Islamic terror operations would shift to Palestine By Louis Rene Beres – The Washington Times 6:29 p.m., Monday, August 9, Current news about Israel’s interdiction of the Gaza flotilla centers on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s willingness to cooperate with a planned United Nations investigation. Leaving aside that the “international community” […]
NRO — The Corner Re: “United States of Arabia,†etc. By Andy McCarthy Posted on August 08, 2010 10:42 AM Jonah, I appreciate that, big guy, and admiration is very much a two-way street. On the GZ mosque, Jonah and I are substantially in agreement. I don’t mean to weasel, so let me elaborate. […]
National Review Online Andrew C. McCarthy NR Contributing Editor August 7, 2010 4:00 A.M. More Moderate Muslims For a preview of the the Ground Zero Mosque, check out Virginia. If Mayor Michael Bloomberg ever decides to stop buying his way around New York City’s term-limit law, he’d be a perfect fit at the State […] Op-Ed: Peres plays politics with Croatian past By Julia Gorin · August 4, 2010 NEW YORK (JTA) — During his recent visit to Croatia, Shimon Peres said he believed the Nazis directed Croatian guards at Europe’s most sadistic concentration camp complex, Jasenovac, to be brutal. “I think they wanted them to have a demonstration […]
Afghan Women: Has Anything Really Changed? Patricia O’Connor Co-founder, Executive Director, “The Beauty School of Kabul† Over the weekend an article titled “Afghan Women Fear Loss of Modest Gains” appeared in the New York Times. The writer, Alissa J. Rubin, repeated a theme that has been popping up all over the media these days: […]
Apparently NYC “elites” have LONG had a problem with capitulating to Islam!!! NYC’s Insane Capitulation to Islam, Circa 1955—Past as Prologue? Past as Prologue, 55 years ago?—Elegant statue of Muhammad “quietly†removed from the roof of the Appellate Division Courthouse on Madison Square, New York City in 1955, when seven feckless appellate judges, “encouraged†[…]
DAVID ISAAC, EDITOR Reflections on Jabotinsky August 3rd, 2010 [Editor’s note — Today marks the 70th anniversary of the death of Vladimir “Ze’ev” Jabotinsky, the greatest Zionist leader of the last century. A brilliant orator, writer and statesman, he was in addition a linguist, poet and playwright. He was also Shmuel’s mentor. Therefore, we […]
READ ALL ABOUT THIS OUTSTANDING CANDIDATE…HE IS WHAT CONGRESS NEEDS AND WE NEED IN CONGRESS…..RSK A mosque at Ground Zero? By Illario Pantano | Published: 12:00 AM 06/18/2010 A candidate for Congress in North Carolina. Pantano is one of the GOP’s great hopes for wresting control of the House away from the Democrats. North […]
The Day the ACLU Joined Al Queda December 1944. American artillery near the Belgian village of Losheim opens fire on advancing German troops during the Battle of the Bulge. Suddenly a jeep pulls up and a lawyer jumps out waving a piece of paper. “Stop what you’re doing immediately! I represent Obersturmführer Gunther Stoltz […]
The New York Times Finds Some Moderate Muslims By Robert Spencer The recent New York Times Sunday trumpeted this MPAC video [1] as a rebuttal of Islamic “militants,†although it is long on vague generalities but (surprise, surprise) short on Qur’anic specifics, which are the only thing, could they be produced, that might actually […]