Feted on his 70th birthday, Nordau’s star eclipses Herzl’s “Max Nordau celebrates his 70th birthday” was the lead headline the July 29, 1919, edition of Haaretz, then known as the “daily newspaper of life and literature.” It was not rare at the time to devote articles and sometimes entire pages to milestone birthdays of […] Daniel Henninger: The Great-Guy Theory Of HistoryWe consider today the sad case of Charlie Rangel, the beloved 20-term Congressman from New York City. You’ve probably heard of the Great Man Theory of History. The Charlie Rangel story can be explained by the Great Guy Theory of History. Men have a shorthand way of sorting […] While the guardians of our diversity-obsessed society stress the need for us to welcome a Muslim mosque to Ground Zero, despite Muslim antipathy towards western values, I wonder why the selfsame champions of gay rights are silent about Islam’s prohibitions against homosexuality and harsh penalties for offenders. Christine Quinn, the first lesbian Speaker of […]
Shariah Comes to the Supreme Court: Elena Kagan’s Decisions Posted by Christine Brim The Senate should not confirm Elena Kagan, because her views render her the first Supreme Court Justice who actively favors the introduction of Shariah law into national Constitutions and legal systems. To excuse themselves for voting for her confirmation, Senators of […]
August 4, 2010 · Vol. 5, No.31 ——————————————————————————– No Lame Duck In the election of 1800, the country thoroughly repudiated the Federalist Party. President John Adams was defeated in his reelection campaign by Thomas Jefferson and the Democrat-Republicans gained majorities in the House and Senate. The Federalists had clearly lost the support of the people. […]
DOHENY IS ONE OF THE SMARTEST YOUNGÂ CANDIDATES ENTERING THE FIGHT TO TAKE BACK OUR CONGRESS AND OUR LIBERTIES….RSK ENVIRONMENT “In Central New York, the Adirondacks and in the North Country, we know that protecting the environment is critical to both our economy and to our very survival. However, the House of Representatives last year […] Time To Celebrate The Ground Zero Mosque “Party Spaceâ€? The Editor For all those who lost relatives in 9/11, any complaint against the construction of the “Ground Zero Mosque†on the site of the old Burlington Coat Factory building is just another sign of â€intoleranceâ€. Relatives can refer to Adam Zerwer’s argument posted in […] Yes, Virginia! Virginia’s attorney general, Ken Cuccinelli, knows ObamaCare is unconstitutional and that our unsecure borders and a stealth amnesty program threaten… View Enlarged Image Law: A judge will let proceed a Virginia suit to declare ObamaCare unconstitutional while the state’s attorney general says police can check immigration status a la the Arizona law. Somewhere Patrick […] Fake outrage as UK press distorts Israeli president’s remarks about anti-Israel sentiment in Britain and then stokes more anti-Israel sentiment The fake outrage now sweeping through British media and political circles about Shimon Peres’ analysis of anti-Israel hostility in the UK is something to behold. Peres had made a series of remarks about Britain […] Religion of Peace Words are tricky things. Virtually every tyrant, no matter how bloody, has talked about his plans for conquest in terms of “peace”. For example in 1939, Nazi Germany and the USSR signed a declaration in which they described their conquest of Poland as creating “a sure foundation for a lasting peace […]