NUGENT: It is us We’re the ones who allowed anti-Americans to take over America By Ted Nugent @$:Barack Hussein Obama did not sneak into power. An army of clueless, disconnected, ignorant Americans invited him to bring his Marxist, glaringly anti-American jihad into our lives. This Barack Hussein Obama did not sneak into power. An […]
To Kill an Apostate URL to article: Posted By Nonie Darwish Some Muslim leaders in America deny that there are any threats to the lives and safety of Muslims who decide to leave Islam. It is as though they have no role to play in changing the status quo of the tyranny of Islam. […]
Hamas’ Siege on Gaza Posted By P. David Hornik In Al-Ahram, Egypt’s largest daily, journalist Ashraf Abu Al-Houl wrote (translated by MEMRI [1]) on July 18: I was last in Gaza in mid-February. Returning three weeks ago, I found it almost unrecognizable…. A sense of absolute prosperity prevails, as manifested by the grand resorts […] Fully Veiled Women Sail Through Airport Security, “Full veiling has been a boon for those participating in criminal and terrorist operations” “We were never allowed to ask anyone with a veil to lift it. It is their religion.†CATSA employee, who, until recently worked as a frontline screener. Veiled women fly past security veiled […] Red Sea ports of Eilat, Aqaba hit by rocket fire by Hazel Ward Hazel Ward 1 hr 13 mins ago JERUSALEM (AFP) – At least five rockets were on Monday fired towards the southern Israeli beach resort of Eilat, causing no casualties in Israel but injuring five in the Jordanian port of Aqaba, officials […]
August 1, 2010 The Palestinians, Alone By EFRAIM KARSH London IT has long been conventional wisdom that the resolution of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a prerequisite to peace and stability in the Middle East. Since Arabs and Muslims are so passionate about the Palestine problem, this argument runs, the Israeli-Palestinian stalemate feeds regional anger and […]
Military Homosexual Scandal Tied to WikiLeaks Treason By Cliff Kincaid | August 1, 2010 Military Homosexual Scandal Tied to WikiLeaks Treason The riveting Telegraph account of Manning’s growing rage and anger raises serious questions of how the soldier was able to flaunt his homosexuality despite the fact that the Pentagon still officially has a policy […] Chinese TV Features Israel, Jewish History by Maayana Miskin China’s CCTV has launched its first-ever series on Jewish history and Israel. The series, a documentary, is titled “Walk into Israel – The Land of Milk and Honey.” “Walk into Israel” was launched at an event in Beijing covered by the People’s Daily Online. Israeli […]
BORN IN THE USA? Oops! Obama mama passport ‘destroyed’ State Dept. claims records gone for Stanley Ann Dunham prior to 1968 ——————————————————————————– Posted: August 01, 2010 6:28 pm Eastern By Jerome R. Corsi © 2010 WorldNetDaily Photo from Stanley Ann Dunham Soetoro’s 1972 passport records Last week, in response to a Freedom of Information Act […]
My Fellow Patriots, One of the most enduring values my Parents instilled in me was a sense of duty through service to my Country, America. Â Leading by example, my Father served in WWII, my Mother served 25 years as a civilian with the 6th Marine Corps District Headquarters in Atlanta, my older Brother served in […]