Freedom’s Edge Where In The World Is Imam Feisal? Claudia Rosett, 07.30.10 Plans for a $100 million high-rise Islamic Center next to New York’s Ground Zero are generating lots of controversy, as well as great distress among families of some of the thousands murdered in the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. So one […] “The controversy which has emerged regarding the building of an Islamic Center at this location is counterproductive to the healing process…..” ADL opposes World Trade Center mosque By Jacob Berkman · July 30, 2010 NEW YORK (JTA) — The Anti-Defamation League has issued a statement opposing the building of a mosque near the World […] JEFF MILLER IS RUNNING AGAINST A PELOSICRAT HEATH SHULER WHO FAVORS CAP AND TRADE He has won numerous awards for his service to the community, favors an end to uncontrolled government intrusions and spending, and favors a challenge to Obmacare. He is an advocate for veterans, he has won awards for his honoring of […] Exclusive: Got Milk, Sheikh? Dr. Nancy Hartevelt Kobrin, Dr. Joan Jutta Lachkar While the Saudis might have a lot of oil, they seem to be running short on milk. So much so that one of their imams wrote a fatwa* recently permitting the breast feeding of adult males thereby getting around the gender apartheid […]
America’s New Health Care Zookeeper By SALLY C. PIPES American seniors take note: There’s a new bureaucrat in charge of your health care. Perhaps zookeeper is a more appropriate title, as the newly appointed but never-to-be confirmed head of Obama’s Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) likes to refer to the U.S. health […],1518,709176,00.html Islamists Gain Upper Hand in Russian Republic By Matthias Schepp in Dagestan Nowhere in Russia is the situation so explosive as in the autonomous republic of Dagestan. An ongoing Islamist insurgency has plunged the corruption-plagued region into near civil war. Some high-ranking Russian officials believe it will take years to defeat the extremists, if […]
Weep for Britain: 1940 this is not When David Cameron became Britain’s Prime Minister, I warned that he would turn out to be even worse than Labour on the related issues of Israel and the global threat from Islamism to Britain and the west. This was because Cameron had no knowledge of or interest […] By Stephen Dinan – The Washington Times With Congress gridlocked on an immigration bill, the Obama administration is considering using a back door to stop deporting many illegal immigrants – what a draft government memo said could be “a non-legislative version of amnesty.” The memo, addressed to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Director Alejandro […] BREAKING: Sen. Leahy (D-VT) Denies Civil Rights Commission Request to Investigate New Black Panther Case Posted By Hans A. von Spakovsky As the scandal over the dismissal of the New Black Panther Party (NBPP) voter intimidation case percolates in the media, letters have been flying through the corridors of power. On July 22, Rep. […] BREITBART WAS CLEARLY SIDELINED BY THIS….BUT HE SHOULD SUE HER RIGHT BACK FOR CALLING HIM ” a racist who wants to demote blacks to slavery-era status.” WHAT WILL BE A SORRY SPECTACLE IS THE CONSERVATIVE WUSSES WHO WILL BACK AWAY FROM BREITBART IHN THEIR PUSILLANIMOUS APOLOGIES TO THE AGGRIEVED SHERROD….RSK By Kathryn Watson – […]