Kagan’s Shariah problem Center for Security Policy | Jul 19, 2010 By Frank Gaffney, Jr. The author of the New York Times bestseller The Grand Jihad, Andrew McCarthy has put the Senate Judiciary Committee on notice: There is a serious problem with the nomination of Elena Kagan to a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court: “…As […]
All the Troubles of the Middle East, In One Little Country By: Sarah Stern and Kyle Shideler There is a country in the Middle East accused of a brutal decades-long occupation. A country where a blockade causes starvation among a civilian refugee population. A country which violently cracks down on those who oppose it, shooting […]
http://www.dianawest.net/Home/tabid/36/EntryId/1460/Seventy-Five-Billion-Dollars-a-Year-and-What-Did-They-Forget.aspx Talk about burying the lede. The last ‘graph of the widely anticipated Wash Post takeout on National Intelligence Sprawl says it all, or at least quite a lot: Soon, on the grounds of the former St. Elizabeths mental hospital in Anacostia, a $3.4 billion showcase of security will rise from the crumbling brick wards. The […]
CNN Guest: Black Tea Partiers Like Jewish Guards in Nazi Concentration Camps http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2010/07/18/cnn-guest-black-tea-partiers-jewish-guards-nazi-concentration-camps By Noel Sheppard (Bio | Archive) Mon, 07/19/2010 – 00:03 ET CNN this weekend invited a “diversity consultant” on its “Saturday Morning” program that actually likened black Tea Party members to Jews that worked as guards in Nazi concentration camps. For his […]
http://www.libertycentral.org/ Ginni Thomas — She won’t be on any ballots this year, but the wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is sure to be in the thick of the 2010 election cycle as head of Liberty Central, the conservative think tank she founded in 2009 “to harness the power of citizen voices . . […]
How the Media, the UN and the Diplomats Saved Hamas 18 Years Ago For the past two months the media has been consumed with talk of Hamas ruled Gaza and the flotillas meant to break the Israeli blockade. But how one might ask did Gaza come to be overrun with Hamas terrorists. The answer is […]
http://www.military.com/news/stories/headlines.html Clinton Trip to Refine Afghan War Goals July 18, 2010 Associated Press ISLAMABAD — U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton started a South Asia tour on Sunday aimed at refining the goals of the nearly 9-year-old war in Afghanistan and pushing neighboring nations to work together in the fight against al-Qaida and Taliban […]
http://www.robinshepherdonline.com/major-new-survery-of-british-jews-shows- PULEEZ!!!…IF THEY DISLIKE SETTLEMENTS AND FAVOR A PALARAB STATE…THAT’S NOT SUPPORT IN MY BOOK…..RSK Major new survery of British Jews shows overwhelming support for Israel, proves how isolated anti-Zionist Jews truly are A major new survey by the Institute for Jewish Policy Research suggests that British Jews are overwhelmingly supportive of Israel, with a […]
J. Christian Adams: Why the Left Shouldn’t Defend the New Black Panther Dismissal URL to article: http://pajamasmedia.com/blog/j-christian-adams-why-the-left-shouldn%e2%80%99t-defend-the-new-black-panther-dismissal/ Since my testimony before the Civil Rights Commission under oath on July 6 about various corrupt policies relating to enforcement of election law at the Department of Justice, the left-wing soldiers on the internet have marched into action. […]
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704196404575374293443076212.html?mod=WSJ_newsreel_world By MARGARET COKER Two suicide attacks targeting Sunni militia members loyal to the Iraqi government killed at least 48 people Sunday, increasing concerns about a rise in what appears to be tit-for-tat sectarian violence as the U.S. draws down its forces and Iraqi politicians struggle to form a new government. At least 39 government-backed […]