Exclusive: The Prince and the Islamic Fairy Tale Susan MacAllen One of the more ridiculous stumbles from the Obama administration in recent days was the revelation that Obama feels that it must be a chief mission of NASA to do outreach to Muslim countries. According to NASA Administrator Charles Bolden, Obama charged NASA with […]
July 16, 2010 Exclusive: Why Was Senate Candidate Forced to Prove His Citizenship? Margaret Hemenway Adding to the long-running Obama eligibility dispute, Army veteran and naturalized American Hector Maldonado, recently pointed out in a Branson, MO radio interview that the State of Missouri demanded he prove his citizenship status in order to be permitted […] Rep. Myrick: Hezbollah Major Threat on Mexican Border By: Jim Meyers Rep. Sue Myrick tells Newsmax it is “very frightening†that the Iran-backed terrorist group Hezbollah has been sending agents to Mexico — and some have already entered the United States across the porous border. The North Carolina Republican has asked Homeland Security Secretary […]
BETWEEN THE LINES Fox New Channel and the Saudi bagman Exclusive: Joseph Farah chronicles increase in influence of kingdom on cable network By Joseph Farah ——————————————————————————– It’s official now – Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal has announced plans to launch a 24-hour Arabic-language TV news channel in partnership with Rupert Murdoch’s Fox. This deepens the […]
National Review Online Andrew C. McCarthy NR Contributing Editor July 15, 2010 4:00 A.M. Karl Rove’s Mea Culpa The decision to ‘look forward, not back’ on Iraq was a profound mistake. In Thursday’s Wall Street Journal, Karl Rove offered a candid confession. His biggest mistake as a top White House adviser, he wrote, was […]
A Political Culture Gone Bad: By Ilan Evyatar | Listening to Douglas Murray, one gets a picture of a world turned on its head, one where relativism has trumped common sense, where the state pays its enemies more than its soldiers and where turning in the inciters becomes an act of incitement. Murray is […] THE PRIMARY IS ON JULY 27 _executive_director/ Calvey refuses donation from CAIR executive director Kevin Calvey – Tuesday, July 13, 2010 OKLAHOMA CITY (July 13, 2010) —  Kevin Calvey announced today that he is refusing a donation from the Council on Islamic-American Relation (CAIR) Oklahoma’s executive director, Razi Hashmi. “CAIR is a […] Is this how a presidency falls apart, not with a resounding thud but with a whine, a snivel and a whimper? Repossession of homes proceeds at a record pace. The Federal Reserve projects only weaker growth and higher unemployment. The sheepish Europeans cool their schoolgirl crush on Barack Obama. Ditto the Muslims, who had […] July 16, 2010 12:00 A.M. Obama’s Second Act If he wins another term, he’ll only get worse. In the political marketplace, there’s now a run on Obama shares. The Left is disappointed with the president. Independents are abandoning him in droves. And the Right is already dancing on his political grave, salivating about November, […] Putting a Calgary mom who strangled her promiscuous 14-year-old daughter in jail would smack of vengeance, a judge said Thursday, in handing her probation instead. Justice Sal LoVecchio placed Aset Magomadova on probation for three years ruling the time behind bars sought by the prosecution wasn’t needed. “The Crown says due to the nature […]