ADAMS: Inside the Black Panther case Anger, ignorance and lies By ByJ. Christian Adams On the day President Obama was elected, armed men wearing the black berets and jackboots of the New Black Panther Party were stationed at the entrance to a polling place in Philadelphia. They brandished a weapon and intimidated voters and […]
The Mea Culpa State June 21st, 2010 By David Isaac On Yom Kippur, Jews say an “Al Chet†prayer – a confession of sins – ten times during the course of the services. Israel has managed to turn the annual “Al Chet†into a daily devotional, becoming a serial apologizer. It wasn’t always thus. […]
Click here: Military-Civilian Relations Better Be A Two-Way Street – Maggie’s Farm Sunday, June 27. 2010 Military-Civilian Relations Better Be A Two-Way Street The Left, of course, and the usual fickle conservatives with more ink to expend than practical experience or judgment, have taken the McChrystal affaire and the difficult Afghanistan situation as a […]
TO DUCK OUT OF HIS ASSOCIATION OBAMA SMEARED HIS WHITE GRANDMOTHER WHO HAD RAISED AND LOVED AND SUPPORTED HIM…..RSK Obama’s Former Rev. Wright Gives Seminar Bashing Whites and Jews, Media Mum | Obama’s Former Rev. Wright Gives Seminar Bashing Whites and Jews – Media Mum Noel Sheppard, President Obama’s former spiritual advisor, […]
A sharp e-pal noticed and sent….. “In Nepal, a small mountainous country in the Himalayas, Muslims make up about 4% of the entire population and Hindus make up 80%.  So of course the Obama Administration is reaching out to the Nepalese Muslims and only to the Muslims. Don’t the vast majority of the Nepalese – […]
‘Genocidal’ Israel will be put in its place – Chavez By Frank Jack Daniel CARACAS (Reuters) – Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez described Israel on Saturday as a genocidal state that acted as an assassin for the United States, predicting the Middle East nation would one day be “put in its place.” The socialist Chavez […] Â Open Borders, Open Pit New York City’s Mayor Bloomberg seems to have a new exit strategy. After trying to spread rumors that suggested he might run for President, in the hopes that one party or the other would give him the V.P. spot, failing and struggling through a third mayoral election that he […] – The Flotillas of Summer, The Guns of August Posted By Phyllis Chesler The signs are ominous, disquieting. In Hanover, Germany, young Muslim children of Lebanese, Palestinian, and Iranian descent, ages ten to fifteen, throw rocks [1] at a Jewish dance troupe, injuring one of the performers and ending the performance. The children use […] – Taliban Killed In Women’s Clothing Taliban Killed In Women’s Clothing We have seen the enemy and it was wearing a dress. Displaying once again the cowardice for which our enemies in the War on Terror are famous, a senior Taliban commander disguised in women’s clothes has been killed. Ghulam Sakhi was […] To Chavez, With Love Oliver Stone’s mash note to the dictators of Latin America. By RON RADOSH The red carpet was rolled out this Wednesday night for director Oliver Stone at the premiere of his new documentary, “South of the Border,” at the Silverdocs Film Festival in Silver Spring, Md. Mr. Stone told the […]