By MARK HELPRIN Farewell to America’s China Station Beijing is poised to project ever greater power in the Pacific. The U.S. doesn’t appear up to the challenge. The United States and China are on a collision course in the Western Pacific. Far sooner than once anticipated, China will achieve effective military parity in Asia, […]
OPINION: OUTSIDE THE BOX MAY 17, 2010 Americans Know the Drill The people support offshore oil exploration. The politicians should listen. By PETE DU PONT The amount of energy America’s economy consumes is rising, and oil is a significant portion of its generation. But the domestic production of American oil is falling, and that means […]
CLINTON AND OBAMA? NADA….NOTHING…. NIENTE…..GURNISHT AND THERE WAS ACTUALLY A BANGKOK FOR OBAMA IN THE 2008 ELECTION….SEE: Bangkok ablaze in anarchy Richard S. Ehrlich BANGKOK | Black smoke billowed over downtown streets from rubber tires set ablaze by angry pro-democracy protesters armed with Molotov cocktails, slingshots and fireworks to fend […]
NY Times sides with Obama and Palestinians on reference to ‘settlements’ Leo Rennert Clark Hoyt, the ombudsman/public editor of the New York Times, devotes his Sunday, May 16, column to use of words that prompt sharp criticsm from some readers (“Semantic Minefields” page 10 Week In Review section). Among such controversial words, he points out, […] Obamacare’s Avalanche of IRS Paperwork Congress should repeal the president’s health-care reform, or it should launch a new program to treat paper cuts. Pres. Barack Obama promised Americans “health-care reform.†So far, “health-care form†is more like it. Obamacare is devolving into the Paper Industry Salvation Act of 2010. This new law spans 2,562 […]
Sunday, May 16, 2010 You’ve Got to Be Kidding . . .  [Jay Nordlinger] We, the United States, have been having human-rights talks with China. Our side is apparently led by Michael Posner, an assistant secretary of state. I will quote from an Associated Press report:  Posner said in addition to talks on freedom of […]
 Israel’s sexiest undercover agent     21c By Karin Kloosterman April 22, 2010 It’s a little-known secret that Israel’s Delta Galil provides merchandise for world-class brands like Tommy Hilfiger, Calvin Klein, Nike, Hugo Boss and more.  Delta’s goal is to create underwear with a high-tech edge. High-tech T-shirts that wick away perspiration; a strappy […]   FBI files discuss Cronkite aiding Vietnam protesters Fri May 14, 1:39 pm ET Legendary CBS News anchor Walter Cronkite allegedly collaborated with anti-Vietnam War activists in the 1960s, going so far as to offer advice on how to raise the public profile of protests and even pledging CBS News resources to help pull off events, according to […]
URL: “Palestinians” Aka “Arabstinians” May 17, 2010 By Nurit Greenger It irks me a great deal to see how the Arabs, calling themselves “Palestinians,” have managed to create a ring of lies and deception, they and the anti-Israel camp constantly use to justify their demands of Israel to ‘de-occupy’ the Palestinian land of the […]–Warns-US-Climate-Conference-of-Looming-Threat-of-Global-Cooling Geologist Declares ‘global warming is over’ — Warns U.S. Climate Conference of ‘Looming Threat of Global Cooling’ ‘Expect global cooling for the next 2-3 decades that will be far more damaging than global warming would have been’ Sunday, May 16, 2010By Marc Morano – Climate Depot Climate Depot Exclusive CHICAGO — A prominent U.S. […]