Capo Obama: Hey, no toucha duh mullahs! Posted By Roger L Simon Well, it’s come down, Don Corleone. The capo di capi of the Chicago Mafia – Barack Obama – has let it be known to all of youz:  Keepa duh hands of duh mullahs.  No toucha Don Khamenei and dat Ahmadinejad guy. Okay, […] Obama Orders Dance Classes, Movie Nights, and Bingo for Illegal Detainees Chris Banescu The Houston Chronicle reports that the Obama administration has ordered the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) department to implement multiple modifications to their facilities to make life easier, more comfortable, and pleasant for the hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants (approximately […] WILL CENTRAL COMMAND SEND BAND-AIDS OR GRIEF COUNSELORS OR BLAME ISRAEL?….RSK NADAHAN VILLAGE, Afghanistan (AP) — A suicide bomb ripped through a wedding party for a family with ties to police in the Taliban’s heartland in Afghanistan, killing at least 40 people and wounding dozens more, officials said Thursday. The Taliban denied carrying out […] NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE PRINT Victor Davis Hanson June 11, 2010 4:00 A.M. Helen Thomas, Turkey, and the Liberation of Israel The world cares deeply about refugees, disputed territory, and divided cities — when Israel is involved. Otherwise, otherwise. It is hard to become much more influential than the doyen of the White House […]
For the latest climate movement collapse news, go to – It’s hard (but a hell of a lot of fun) to keep up with the rapid disintegration of the great global warming scare! Enjoy!] Next Eco-Scare is Here! ‘IPCC for nature’ proposed — UN Biodiversity report riddled with errors! It really is ‘IPCC like’! […]
AN EPIPHANY? MILLER PAVED THE ROAD MAP TO ISRAEL’S DESTRUCTION….? Mideast Peace Tops List of Hopeless Causes: Aaron David Miller Commentary by Aaron David Miller June 3 (Bloomberg) — Groucho Marx, one of America’s pre- eminent philosophers, once quipped, “Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes.†I thought of Groucho […] Pence to Obama: Whose side are you on, anyway? posted at 12:55 pm on June 10, 2010 by Ed Morrissey printer-friendly Rep. Mike Pence delivered a strong challenge to Barack Obama on the House floor this morning on his handling of foreign policy, which is especially timely on the day after Obama announced a […] What’s the Purpose of Pro-Israel Jewish Organizations? Posted By Jennifer Rubin On June 11, 2010 In her primary, Democrat Jane Harman [1]prevailed against Marcy Winograd [2], an avowed Israel-hater and great supporter of the terrorist flotilla. Her website [3] proclaimed that she wanted to pursue “war crimes†prosecutions in Gaza and southern Israel, end […]
the weekly Standard SOURCES: OBAMA ADMINISTRATION TO SUPPORT ANTI-ISRAEL RESOLUTION AT THE UN NEXT WEEK BY William Kristol June 11, 2010 10:41 AM THE WEEKLY STANDARD has learned that senior Obama administration officials have been telling foreign governments that the administration intends to support an effort next week at the United Nations to set up […]
A pre-pogrom atmosphere builds in the west THURSDAY, 10TH JUNE 2010 Melanie Phillips The enforced resignation from the White House press corps of the Judeophobic bigot Helen Thomas has lifted the lid off a sewer on both sides of the Atlantic. Let us remind ourselves – Thomas could not shelter beneath the convenient fiction that […]