,0,3449382.story Editorial ‘Islamic terrorism’ and the Obama administration Critics on the right say the administration is deliberately denying the existence of ‘radical Islam’ and ‘Islamic terrorism.’ June 8, 2010 It’s a drumbeat on the right: The Obama administration is in deliberate denial about the existence of “Islamic terrorism.” A conservative columnist recently complained that […]
Exclusive: Defense Cuts: Guns or Troops? Chet Nagle “There is a rank due to the United States, among nations, which will be withheld, if not absolutely lost, by the reputation of weakness.†George Washington It is official. Deputy Secretary of Defense William Lynn says we cannot afford guns and butter. So what happens? Do we […] Respecting Truth, Acknowledging Reality The Editors This Sunday past was the anniversary of D-Day, an event so important to recall. If many do not recall (including our President from whom no statement can be found at this time of writing), it is because our culture and its leaders have failed to truly learn. They have […] The Turkish Conundrum Monday, 07 June 2010 Baffled by the strict secular culture of their modern state and the European Union’s opposition to Turkish membership, at least not until a decade from now, more Turks feel nostalgia for the glory days of their lost Ottoman Empire. In the recent flotilla incident, off the coast […] Freedom’s Edge Turkey’s Two-Faced Aid For Gaza Claudia Rosett, 06.04.10, 5:00 PM ET From the fury with which Turkey’s leaders are demanding carte blanche access for aid to Gaza, you might suppose the Turkish government had exhausted every available route for pouring its own bounty into the Palestinian enclave. Think again. While Turkey’s Prime […]
June 8, 2010 Tuesday 26 Sivan 5770 7:56 IST Photo by: IDF Spokesperson An irrational, obscene hatred By WILLIAM SHAWCROSS 07/06/2010 Israel is a cartoon villain, beyond sympathy, beyond even redemption. What is shocking – and frightening – is that the narrative the world accepts is always that of Israel as the evildoer. ‘Shut up. […]
DCLG IS THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITIES AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT IN THE UK Is DCLG’s Senior Muslim Advisor Mohammad Abdul Aziz an Islamist Supporter? ABOUT THE MOSQUE IN JANUARY 2010: East London Mosque and the attached London Muslim Centre (LMC) have attracted a large quantity of negative publicity recently due to their links with Anwar […]
June 08, 2010 Does Abbas’ Support for Black Genocide Offend Obama? By Edward Olshaker Unlike Prime Minister Netanyahu, who reportedly caused President Obama to become “livid” over the timing of an apartment-building announcement, Palestinian President Abbas comes to the White House this week knowing there is nothing he could possibly do that would offend the […]
ISRAEL IS IN THE BOTTOM TEN AND China, Cuba, Libya, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Chile and the United Arab Emirates are above the US but the risk of terror contributes to our low standing…. By Jennifer Harper America, land of peace? Forget about it. The United States is just the 85th most peaceful nation on earth, according […]
Dennis Prager 8, 2010 12:00 A.M. If Israel Is Not Evil, the World Is in Big Trouble Nearly everyone in the world is against Israel; let’s hope they’re right. With the exception of the United States, nearly all the world’s nations have condemned Israel over the Gaza-flotilla incident, as have the United Nations and […]