Breaking News: Israel Foils Large Scale Attack by the Palestinian Jihadists It’s war …………… it’s open season on the Jewish people, non-Muslims, and all free peoples. Israel Defense Force foils attack close to Gaza Jerusalem Post Five terrorists killed by Navy commando; “large scale attack averted.” Israeli Navy commandos prevented a terror attack on […]
THE EIGTH AND MOST DAMNING REASON IS THAT SO MANY JEWS HAVE SIGNED ON TO THE LEFT BLINDED BY THE ESCALATING AND OVERT ANTI-SEMITISM MASKED AS “TOUGH LOVE” FOR ISRAEL….J STREET AND THAT ILK DESERVE A CORNER IN HELL RESERVED FOR TRAITORS AND COLLABORATORS….RSK “Never again.” It’s what the world said after the Holocaust. […],_and_not_a_moment_too_soon CAL THOMAS Anti-Semite: “a person who discriminates against or is prejudiced or hostile toward Jews.” Some prejudices are tolerated by elites in this country. Examples: One can regularly smear political conservatives as know-nothings; Evangelical Christians as believers in a fantasy; Roman Catholics for their church’s stand against abortion and birth control; and Republicans as […]
Our World: The plain truth about Israel By CAROLINE B. GLICK 06/07/2010 21:46 This country is the US’s greatest strategic asset in the region. Indeed, given the strategic importance of the Middle East to American national security, Israel is arguably its greatest strategic asset outside the military. In other times, Hearst Newspapers White House Correspondent […] PATRICK DUNLEAVY Recent press reports regarding the outrage at a convicted cop killer’s parole have all omitted one crucial fact about the subject Shuaib A. Raheem, a former New York State inmate. He was in fact a member of the Dar ul-Islam movement and the incident in which Police Officer Stephen Gilroy was killed […]
Will the West Back the Jihad or Israel? Posted By P. David Hornik On June 8, 2010 @ 12:33 am In FrontPage | No Comments Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu told his cabinet [1] this week that “the world is beginning to become aware†of what really happened in the “flotilla incident†in which nine […] No worse friend, no better enemy Center for Security Policy | Jun 07, 2010 By Frank Gaffney, Jr. Generations of U.S. Marines have exemplified the motto “No better friend, no worse enemy” with their unstinting dependability in the face of adversity, and their ferocity in combat. To the extent that the country as a whole […]
Obama’s Weakness? Jun 7 Written by: Diana West Monday, June 07, 2010 6:38 AMÂ Former US Ambassador John Bolton takes stock in the New York Post today of the ways in which the Obama administration over the past week has continued to signal its abandonment of Israel. He writes: First, in the UN Security Council, […] No worse friend, no better enemy Center for Security Policy | Jun 07, 2010 By Frank Gaffney, Jr. Generations of U.S. Marines have exemplified the motto “No better friend, no worse enemy” with their unstinting dependability in the face of adversity, and their ferocity in combat. To the extent that the country as a whole […]
Israel as a Strategic Liability? – Sunday, Jun 06 2010, 2:58PM This is a guest note by Anthony H. Cordesman, holder of the Arleigh A. Burke Chair in Strategy at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C. This piece first appeared as a CSIS brief and is reprinted here with permission. Israel […]