Time Can’t Erase D-Day Memories June 06, 2010 Chicago Tribune CHICAGOÂ – Nearly seven decades after John Chrenka slid across the English Channel in a boat headed toward Omaha Beach, the memory still hits him like gunfire. “There were three of us in the front row, shells flying all over the place, guys hollering,” […]
Anti-Israeli hysteria over Gaza provokes Iranian threats of sending in its navy Amid all the hysteria (brilliantly deconstructed here by Melanie Phillips today) over the Gaza flotilla incident this week, a new and dangerous development has just occurred. According to Reuters, Iran is considering offering armed escorts from its navy to any ships trying […]
The alternative universe of the western left Sunday, 6th June 2010 Any rational and fair-minded individual who has been following the unfolding of the Turkish terrorist flotilla saga – the video proof that the Israeli marines only started using live ammunition to prevent themselves from being lynched, kidnapped and murdered; the fact that the […]
And Now, Ahmadinejad Goes to Istanbul Posted By Claudia Rosett Yes, on Monday Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad plans to touch down in Turkey [1]. Seems like the Turkish and Iranian governments just can’t get enough of each other these days. This visit follows the Turkish-led furor of the past week over the Gaza Flotilla, complete with its terror-linked […] With Friends Like the United States . . . President Obama has emboldened America’s adversaries and unnerved its allies. By ELIOT A. COHEN What do the following have in common: the piling on Israel after the botched interception of the Hamas relief flotilla, the Chinese military telling the U.S. secretary of defense that he […]
POLLAK IS CHALLENGING HELEN THOMAS’S BUDDY JAN SCHAKOWSKY…. HE MUST WIN …..RSK Joel B. Pollak is graduate of Harvard Law School and the Republican nominee for U.S. Congress in the 9th district of Illinois. June 07, 2010 Charge the Real War Criminals By Joel B. Pollak The organizers of the Gaza-bound flotilla that Israel intercepted […] Standing on the very spot on the northern coast of France where Allied soldiers had stormed ashore to liberate Europe from the yoke of Nazi tyranny, President Ronald Reagan spoke these words to an audience of D-Day veterans and world leaders. They were gathered at the site of the U.S. Ranger Monument at Pointe […] There is an Egyptian saying to describe a masochist who constantly chooses pain, suffering, crying, yelling and screaming at every occasion possible. It says, “They need a funeral to gratify their hunger to slap their faces.†That saying perfectly fits Arab reaction around the world to the Gaza flotilla incident. If you doubt this, […]
“Brand new state! Brand new state, gonna treat you great! Gonna give you barley, carrots and pertaters, Pasture fer the cattle, Spinach and termayters! Flowers on the prarie where the June bugs zoom, Plen’y of air and plen’y of room, Plen’y of room to swing a rope! Plen’y of heart and plen’y of hope.” Richard […]
For Immediate Release: June 6, 2010 Contact:Â Anne Bayefsky New Levels Of Low Obama’s “advice” to Israel on how to conduct an investigation is an extraordinary insult. This article by Anne Bayefsky appears today on In a first from a US president, Barack Obama has now lectured Israel how it must conduct an […]