AXILLA IS THE MEDICAL TERM FOR ARMPIT….RSK  Venezuela’s Chavez attacks Israel in speech June 6, 2010 CARACAS, Venezuela (JTA) — Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez called Israel a “genocidal state” during nationally broadcast comments following violent clashes aboard a Gaza-bound flotilla. Chavez called Israel a “cursed terrorist and murderous state” amid shouts of “Long Live […]
My Word: Free thinking By LIAT COLLINS 06/06/2010 It’s not Israel that is curtailing freedom in Gaza. I have decided to join the Free Gaza movement. My first goal is to make sure that every last Israeli soldier leaves Gaza. Well, admittedly there is only one IDF soldier there, but it has been proving very […]
Sense of Events: The Whole World Is Watching The Whole World Is Watching Daniel Jackson, Sense of While it may be the case that Israel’s intelligence community misread the indicators revolving around Turkey’s breakneck pace to radical Islam, the American counterpart has been clueless. Erdogan has been blatant in his thumbing his nose […]
THERE WAS AN IMPRESSIVE DEMONSTRATION YESTERDAY TO OPPOSE THE MOSQUEÂ ….BUT IT WILL BE BUILT….ANOTHER WIN FOR SHARIA IN AMERICA….RSK Â December 16, 2009 5:00 AM by Youssef M. Ibrahim Mosque At the World Trade Center: Muslim Renewal Or Insult Near Ground Zero An identified group with unknown sponsors has purchased building steps away from […]
Obama and Hamas> By Ted Belman Pres Obama is not letting the flotilla crisis go to waste. He is using it as a springboard to change US policy regarding Hamas. In his words, uttered in a recent interview by Larry King, ‘Time to move forward and break out of the impasse’ and “the status […] Muslim Infidels Posted By Steven Plaut On June 7, 2010 @ 12:00 am In FrontPage | I look out the window and stare at the minarets of the Ahmadi mosque. There is a cool evening breeze as the calls to prayer are heard from its two towers, lit up in colors in the evening. […]
Malpass for the GOP June 4, 2010 The good news out of the New York State Republican Party convention is that there is going to be a primary to make the final choice for a nominee to oppose Senator Gillibrand in November — and our endorsement is David Malpass. He came within a whisker […] How We Became the Proxies of Islam The Romans started out using barbarians in their armies, until eventually the barbarians became their emperors. So too the Ottoman Empire began by using non-Muslims as Janissaries in their armies, only to have them nearly take over. Similarly there was a time when we tried to use […]
THEY COULD USE SHIMON PEREZ BECAUSE HE IS A PERFECT ASS….RSK Official says Ban wants multinational panel on ship raid By Ari Rabinovitch Ari Rabinovitch 17 mins ago JERUSALEM (Reuters) – U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has proposed a multinational investigation of Israel’s raid on a Gaza-bound aid ship in which nine pro-Palestinian activists were killed, an […] Sarah Palin’s Way of Thinking Editorial of The New York Sun | June 5, 2010 If a policy reform is going to come out of British Petroleum’s catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico, we predict it will emerge in the outlines of Sarah Palin’s post Wednesday on her Facebook page. That is where she […]