President Obama embraces stagecraft, not statecraft By Craig Shirley When an incumbent loses his bid for re-election, it is not terribly unusual to see him lash out at his opponents, often using canards and misinformation to explain his loss. After all, how many times have we seen a politician blame himself for his defeats? […] EDITORIAL: Obama’s Islamic poll dance Middle East appeasement policy has failed By THE WASHINGTON TIMES 9:37 p.m., Wednesday, June 2, 2010 ASSOCIATED PRESS President-elect Barack Obama’s victory is headline news in papers Abdul Raheem is selling Nov. 5 in Islamabad. President Obama took office with a mission to transform America’s image around the world. […] The IDF has released two more videos from the incident Monday morning on the Mavi Marmara, the largest in the Turkish-organized six-ship flotilla that challenged Israel’s blockade of Gaza, and the only one to prepare a violent ambush. One of these two videos is even more dramatic than the one released on Monday, now […] June 03, 2010 The Grand Jihad By Andrew G. Bostom A review of Andrew McCarthy’s The Grand Jihad-How Islam and the Left Sabotage America During an address on Thursday, May 27, 2010 at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, John Brennan, the Obama administration’s lead counterterrorism adviser, provided a transparently bowdlerized perspective on […] Greta Berlin, HWIC (Head Whacko in Charge) of the Free Gaza Movement Greta Berlin, Peace Activist Extraordinaire Thrust into the MSM spotlight, veracity-challenged Jew hater, Greta Berlin and official spokesperson for the Gaza Flotilla, had this to say to the New York Times yesterday, describing Israel’s commando operation: “ (they)opened fire on sleeping civilians […]
A Frightening And Harrowing World Jun 1st Posted by Shelley Neese in Victor Sharpe by Victor Sharpe Barack Hussein Obama, the President of our United States of America, hates Israel and always has. He also hates America as it is presently constituted and he will work to bring down both the reconstituted Jewish state in […] Flotilla Follies Feeding Frenzy Day 3 Edward Peck, Honored Guest at CAIR Meeting Who is Edward Peck and why is he important in the War Against the Jews? Ed Peck has had a long career beginning in the Nixon administration in the early 1970’s. He went on to work for Jimmy Carter as Chief […] How To Win The Information War June 2nd, 2010 By David Isaac and Shmuel Katz zâ€l Monday’s botched operation against the six-ship “aid†flotilla sent under Turkish auspices has become a public relations nightmare for Israel with the usual suspects coming together to condemn her for what one Associated Press headline terms a “bloody […]
American Thinker: A Sneak Preview of the Ground Zero Mega-Mosque A Sneak Preview of the Ground Zero Mega-Mosque Stella Paul, American New Yorkers wondering what the $100-million, fifteen-story mega-mosque at Ground Zero will be like need only cast their eyes north to Boston. There they’ll find the giant mosque of the Islamic Society […]
By DANIEL HENNINGER The ease with which the world’s governments condemned Israel over the flotilla incident has been something to behold. The Jerusalem-based correspondent for the Toronto Globe and Mail could not help but notice: “The speed and intensity with which governments around the world condemned the Israeli behavior appear unprecedented.” Why? For starters, denouncing […]