[Print]Â [Email] Share Ayers, Dohrn helped organize flotilla group By: Barbara Hollingsworth Local Opinion Editor 06/02/10 5:51 PM EDT Former Weather Underground leaders William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, as well as Code Pink founder Jodie Evans, helped organize the Free Gaza Movement, which launched the six-ship flotilla from Turkey to Israel that ended in […] BEGIN TRANSCRIPT RUSH: Benjamin Netanyahu came out swinging. I wish we had the whole thing. It went on about five or six minutes. We have one sound bite here, and it says that it’s Benjamin Netanyahu through the translator. Now, when I watched it was Netanyahu speaking English so it’s going to be — […] America must come to terms with a new vulnerability Our enemies no longer need to win a war, or even a battle, to bring the nation to its knees. ——————————————————————————– By Louis René Beres All talk about “victory” and “defeat” in our current wars may actually be beside the point. Whatever happens in Iraq […]
June 2, 2010 After the Flotilla the Jackals are Out June 1, 2010 by Shoshana Bryen Not those jackals. The world splits roughly between those who denounce Israel from a religious or ideological base, and those who denounce Israel because they are tired of defending Western civilization to which they are heir but aren’t sure […]
U.S. woman hit by tear gas canister during naval raid protest loses eye By Associated Press | Wednesday, June 2, 2010 | | Middle East JERUSALEM – An American woman has lost her eye during a demonstration in Jerusalem against Israel’s naval raid on a Gaza aid flotilla, a hospital official said Tuesday. Emily […]
American Thinker Blog: A lesson in ‘courageous restraint’ A lesson in ‘courageous restraint’ Joel B. Pollak, American Many describe the clashes aboard the Mavi Marmara as a botched operation by the Israel Defense Force. Critics on the left say Israel should never have stopped the ships on their way to Gaza. Critics on […] Generic Congressional Vote Gallup Republicans 49, Democrats 43 Republicans +6 Generic Congressional Vote Rasmussen Reports Republicans 44, Democrats 37 Republicans +7 President Obama Job Approval Gallup Approve 47, Disapprove 46 Approve +1 President Obama Job Approval Rasmussen Reports Approve 46, Disapprove 54 Disapprove +8 Turkey’s Islamist prime minister, Tayyip Erdogan, knows better than most why Israel found it necessary to confront that phony “peace” flotilla off Gaza Monday. Certainly he knows that the convoy was organized and manned by the Foundation for Human Rights & Humanitarian Relief — as bloody-handed a terrorist gang as exists in the Mideast. […] Nice Countries Finish Last If Israeli soldiers had boarded the Mavi Marmara armed with assault rifles instead of paintball guns, would the Turkish Islamists on board have been just as eager to attack them? The odds are against it. In order to attack soldiers, you have to believe that they won’t be able to […] Flotilla Fraud Fallout: Another moderate Muslim joins the jihad — Mustafa Akyol Over the years I have seen it happen more than once: a plausible “moderate Muslim” appears on the scene and becomes the darling of hopeful non-Muslims who believe that he epitomizes the peaceful, reasonable face of Islam upon which they have placed […]