AMAZING AND UNWAVERING SUPPORT FOR ISRAEL…..RSK By David Eldridge Angry over health care reform and the abortion fight it reinvigorated, worried about the expansion of gay rights and frustrated by President Obama’s criticisms of Israel, religious conservatives are eager to play a key role in the outcome of the 2010 midterm elections. But many […]
The New York Post Updated: Tue., Jun. 1, 2010, 12:43 AM The ‘peaceful’ Jihad in America By ANDREW C. McCARTHY Last Updated: 12:43 AM, June 1, 2010 Posted: 12:19 AM, June 1, 2010 Most Americans don’t realize that jihad is about much more than terrorism. Even the terrorists don’t blow up buildings for the […] How wars begin Center for Security Policy | Jun 01, 2010 By Frank Gaffney, Jr. In hindsight, it will probably be obvious that the missteps of the Obama administration vis a vis Israel were critical catalysts to a war that today seems ever more likely to engulf the Middle East, and perhaps the world more […]
Obama Administration Abandons Israel to UN Feeding Frenzy This article by Anne Bayefsky appears today on Fox News. In the past twenty-four hours United Nations bodies have engaged in a frenzied attack on Israel over the Turkish-facilitated effort to end the naval blockade of Hamas-controlled Gaza. In the process, the Obama administration’s Israel policy has […]
Amil Imani – America the Vulnerable America the Vulnerable Amil Imani America is a nation and an ideal, birthed by a group of visionaries that gave it the Constitution to nurture it and protect it. What makes America, America the Beautiful, more than just a blessed land is our legacy, the Constitution. Sadly, the […]
NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED IF THE ISRAELIS HAD RESISTED THE PRODDING BY THEÂ PEACE SEEKING MISSILES FROM THE USÂ AND REFUSED TO SURRENDER GAZA…..AND THIS IS JUST A PREVIEW OF WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF THEY ACCEDE TO THE TWO STATE DISSOLUTION….MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSINÂ …..DANIEL (5)….RSK Sympathy for the Devil and the Gaza Sea […] Freedom Flotilla flotsam Gaza blockade doesn’t stop anti-Israeli propaganda by Joel Mowbray Though the diplomatic fallout from the botched raid on the Gaza-bound flotilla this week will not be known for some time, the mainstream media already have suffered a serious blow to their credibility. As the mainstream media told the story, a freedom-loving […]
National Review Online Andrew C. McCarthy NR Contributing Editor June 1, 2010 12:00 P.M. An Islam of Their Very Own Obama’s counterterrorism chief trivializes jihad. Well, at least he had it half right. For John Brennan, President Obama’s al-Quds lovin’ counterterrorism guru, that’s a significant improvement. Last week, Brennan interrupted his search for the […] CHECK OUT BARLETTA ON MAJOR ISSUES 2010 Race of the Day: PA-11 FROM TOWNHALL by Brian Walsh Today’s Race of the Day brings us to Northeastern Pennsylvania. In the state’s Eleventh District, Democrat Paul Kanjorski has represented the area since 1984 and has forgotten that he was sent to Washington to represent the […] Mavi Marmara and the Exodus Editorial of The New York Sun | May 31, 2010 It’s going to be illuminating to see what the New York Times comes up with for an editorial in respect of the so-called “aid flotilla†that sought to run the blockade of Gaza. This afternoon, on a Times’ blog […]