EDITORIAL: Climate alarmists on the run Oxford University students lose faith in warming By THE WASHINGTON TIMES ALLISON SHELLEY/THE WASHINGTON TIMES SOMETHING TO SAY: Former Vice President Al Gore testifies on climate change before the House Energy and Commerce Committee on Friday. He threw his support behind the pending climate-change-prevention bill. Former Vice President […]
Dr. Joel Fishman is a Fellow of a research center in Jerusalem. Israel’s Interception of the Turkish Flotilla; The morning-after Hangover Early in the morning of 31 May, the Israeli navy intercepted a Flotilla, sailing from Turkey to Gaza, with the professed aim of bringing humanitarian aid and moral support to the Gazans. Since its […]
ANDREW BREITBART’S BIG JOURNALISM Featuring Editor in Chief Michael Walsh Ten Questions About ‘The Grand Jihad’ For Author Andrew McCarthy Posted By Michael Walsh Andy McCarthy’s vital new book, The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America [1], was published last week. The author, a former federal prosecutor, discusses the looming threats both […]
FRANKLY MY DEARS, I DON’T GIVE A DAMN WHAT THE WORLD THINKS….THIS REMINDS ME OF THE SABRA-SHATILLA FOLLIES WHERE ARABS KILLED ARABS AND SHARON TOOK A FALL AND ISRAEL CREATED AN “INVESTIGATION”…IN AN OLD WOODY ALLEN MOVIE MIA FARROW PLAYED A MAFIA MOLL AND SAID HER MOTTO WAS “SCREW THEM BEFORE THEY SCREW YOU.” NOW […] BBC Displeases Its Islamic Overlords: Muslims Storm the BBC Offices in UK Despite decades of relentless groveling, lying, deception, and vile anti-semitism, the BBC came under attack by close to 1,000 Muslims, who tried to storm the offices of the BBC in an attempt to …tear them limb from limb? Has the BBC apologized […] A shocking story of Israeli survival By Wesley Pruden | When the going gets tough, the not-so-tough call in the cliches. The world’s “leaders” are shocked! — shocked! — when Israel defends itself. Actually, they’re about as “shocked” as Claude Raines, the police inspector in “Casablanca,” who was shocked to learn that gambling […]
Terror link alleged as Saudi millions flow into Afghanistan war zone – Times Online Terror link alleged as Saudi millions flow into Afghanistan war zone Anthony Loyd, Millions of dollars of Saudi Arabian money have flowed into Afghanistan over the past four years, the country’s intelligence officials say, with the sponsorship of terrorism […] Sestak’s Moment Of Honesty Is Followed By A Trail Of Lies Published by AJStrata at 10:36 am under All General Discussions Representative Joe Sestak had, and I mean had, one critically important trait – he was honest. He was a retired admiral who went into politics, apparently holding his nose a bit, so he […]
Thursday, May 27, 2010 The Sum of All (Jewish) Fears Many individuals and groups harbor deep-seated fears – real or imaginary – that go to the core of their existence and identity. Superman fears green kryponite. The Kennedys fear banishment from the political spotlight. My dog fears thunderclaps. What do American Jews fear most? What […] Monday, May 31, 2010 “Humanitarians” Gone Wild As usual, the MSM has rushed to judgment in the recent incident involving IDF commandos and the “Gaza Flotilla”. Â The aid-to-Hamas fleet has been characterized by most of the world as a “humanitarian” mission. Check out today’s Ha’aretz’s Caption for this photograph: “A left-wing activist on […]