Protecting Our American Identity Diana West Excellent news: Most Americans approve of Arizona’s new immigration law. And by wide margins. According to Pew, the overall number is 59 percent. The New York Times poll came in at 60 percent. According to the NBC/Wall Street Journal poll, that overall number is higher still: 64 percent. […] Nakba Day and the Fraud Ben-Dror Yemini The Palestinians have been holding the title of “refugees†for over six decades w They have succeeded in creating a unique historical narrative for themselves w This myth is growing, so it should be shattered and the real facts presented: the Palestinian population before the first Aliya […]
 Well, the Left – led by Haaretz – is outraged that Israel refused to let Noam Chomsky enter the country. Chomsky himself denounced Israel for refusing to let him in as “Stalinism.â€Â When I first heard that, I assume he meant it as a compliment. After all, this is the guy who cheered all […]  THIS LADY IS THE HEAD OF MESA(MIDDLE EAST STUDIES ASSOCIATION)…PROPONENENTS OF TEACHING THE RASHID KHALADI/EDWARD SAID  NARRATIVE …..SHE REALLY SHOULD BE BURKAED….RSK REUT COHEN On May 7, 2010, UCLA’s Center for Near Eastern Studies (CNES) and the Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies co-sponsored the lecture, “Rethinking Arab Women as ‘Subjects.’†The talk […]
– FrontPage Magazine – – Noam Chomsky, Darling of Haaretz Posted By P. David Hornik This week Noam Chomsky, the famed MIT linguist and radical political writer and activist, was denied entry into Israel. The Israeli Left is up in arms. Boaz Okon, legal commentator for left-leaning Yediot Aharonot, Israel’s largest daily, called [1] […]
WSJ OPINION MAY 21, 2010 The Bankrupting of America We have a ruinous collaboration of elected officials and unionized public workers. By MORTIMER ZUCKERMAN The American public feels it is drowning in red ink. It is dismayed and even outraged at the burgeoning national deficits, unbalanced state and local budgets, and accounting that often masks […]  Welcome to! Our site is dedicated to continuing the work of Shmuel Katz (December 9, 1914 – May 9, 2008), the most clear-sighted political thinker Israel has ever produced. Shmuel Katz was a historic figure who participated in many of the events that led to the creation of the State of Israel. […]
» A Mosque at 9/11 ‘Ground Zero’? – Big Government A Mosque at 9/11 ‘Ground Zero’? by Brigitte Gabriel Imagine the American response in 1950 if the Japanese government sought to erect a shrine to its World War II Emperor in Pearl Harbor, right next to the sunken wreckage of the USS Arizona. Would […]
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. With Arlen Specter now retired to the Republic of Oblivia, the land of humiliated incumbents, attention focuses on Blanche Lincoln, who must enjoy attention while she can. She, too, seems en route to the province of the memorably forgotten. She was forced into a June 8 runoff, and if she survives that […] House panel OKs probe of Gitmo lawyers Bill Gertz The House Armed Services Committee approved legislation Wednesday that would require the Pentagon’s inspector general to conduct an investigation into whether defense attorneys for detainees at the detention facility at U.S. Naval Base Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, acted improperly. The measure is part of a $760 […]