The son of a ron is a creep but this puts some good Republicans in a corner….Will they distance themselves from Paul? Palin and De Mint will not…and Mitch McConnell who is in Kentucky was principled in his opposition….now what. This nasty Rand is a hot potato….rsk RUTH — Kentucky Republican Rand Paul was born […]
Actually, four Republicans voted yes — Collins, Snowe, and Chuck Grassley were the others — but it was Scotty B who flipped today to make it happen. Brown told reporters that he had in fact given Reid his word that he would vote if his concerns were addressed in the bill, but that he voted […] May 20, 2010 4:00 A.M. Melanie Phillips on a World Gone Mad The British author on Princess Diana, Barack Obama, Israel, and pathological projection. Melanie Phillips, the British journalist, is author of The World Turned Upside Down: The Global Battle over God, Truth, and Power. As the title suggests, the book covers a lot […]
Follow me @YoramEttinger No Demographic Time Bomb; It’s a Demographic Scarecrow Bomb The Australian Jewish News, May 14, 2010 Ambassador (ret.) Yoram Ettinger “Second Thought: A US-Israel Initiative†Anyone suggesting that Jews are doomed to become a minority between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean is either dramatically mistaken or outrageously misleading. In contrast […]
 FIRST: THE BAD  PRINCELLA SMITH OF ARKANSAS LOST HER BID IN THE PRIMARIES. SHE’S ONLY 26 AND HAS TIME, SMARTS AND WILLPOWER. IT’S A POTHOLE NOT AN AXLEBREAKER.  RAND PAUL WON…AND THAT IS REALLY TOO BAD…HE WILL BE A SENATOR IN THE MOLD OR SHOULD I SAY MOULD OF FORMER REPUBLICAN SENATOR […]  Exclusive: ‘Muslims-Only’ Enclave Thrives In Philadelphia Paul Williams, PhD Thanks to U.S. taxpayers, an Islamic enclave is being carved out of the heart of the City of Brotherly Love. And how generous have you been with your tax dollars? You just gave $1.6 billion for the privilege of turning over all this […]  The Price of Arrogance: Second Military Expeditionary Brigade Honors its Dead John Bernard I just returned, with my family, from the Second Military Expeditionary Brigade’s Memorial service honoring those who fell in the past year. Those honored included my son, Josh. As is always the case, the United States Marine Corps showed […] A Tale of two “dissidentsâ€: Chomsky denied entry to West Bank; Wilders denied entry to Britain Consider two examples of a western democracy refusing entry through its borders to a foreign dignitary on the grounds of a disagreement with his political beliefs. In the first case, the man in question was denied entry […] Authorities Watch For Suspected Member of Terrorist Group Al Shabaa KHOU News in Houston Texas reports that a Homeland Security Alert is asking local authorities to keep their eyes open for a potential terror suspect. According to the report the alert focuses on a suspected member of the terrorist group Al Shabaab and […]
The World from Berlin ‘Tehran Is Succeeding in Duping the West’ AFP Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (left), Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan pose for a picture after signing the deal Monday. On Monday, Brazil and Turkey brokered a deal with Iran that would see it trading […]