The World from Berlin ‘Tehran Is Succeeding in Duping the West’ AFP Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (left), Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan pose for a picture after signing the deal Monday. On Monday, Brazil and Turkey brokered a deal with Iran that would see it trading […]
Heubris and nemesis 7:44am According to German Chancellor Angela Merkel: The euro is in danger. If we don’t deal with this danger, then the consequences for us in Europe are incalculable . . . If the euro fails, then Europe fails. Best news I’ve heard in a long time. They were warned, of course, when the […]  Thursday, May 20, 2010 Everybody Draws Mohammed Day  [Mark Steyn] Veronique, I initially had mixed feelings about Everybody Draws Mohammed Day. Provocation for its own sake is one of the dreariest features of contemporary culture, but that’s not what this is about. Nick Gillespie’s post reminds us that the three most offensive of […]
The Paradox of the Jewish Mind Posted By David Solway Growing up Jewish in a small Quebec town at a time when an ultramontane [1] clergy dominated social and religious life, I experienced my share of anti-Semitic hatred. Restricted from visiting certain beaches and playgrounds, regularly ambushed on the way to school by kids screaming […]  “I’m shocked and stunned but I’m not surprised because he was such a low-life”: Missouri auto parts dealer pleads guilty to aiding al-Qaeda Lowlife  That’s the quote of the night, and maybe of the year: “I’m shocked and stunned but I’m not surprised because he was such a low-life.” Anyway, perhaps Ouazzani […] ELI LAKE A scathing new Senate report is blaming nearly every facet of the U.S. intelligence community for failing to connect the dots on Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the Nigerian national who attempted to blow up a Northwest Airlines jet en route from Amsterdam to Detroit on Christmas Day. The unclassified summary released late Tuesday […]
The November Impact of the Primaries By Richard Baehr The first of the mini-Super Tuesdays has come and gone, and both parties can find things to cheer about. Pennsylvania In the Keystone state, the Democrats nominated the candidate they considered more electable — Joe Sestak. Republican nominee Pat Toomey led both Arlen Specter and Sestak […]  North Korea condemned by world powers over torpedo attack An official investigation has concluded that a North Korean torpedo was responsible for the sinking of the Cheonan, a South Korean warship, prompting condemnation of the Pyongyang regime by America, Britain and the United Nations. By Peter Foster in Seoul and Malcolm Moore in […]
Victor Davis Hanson “What is common to all these disillusionments — the intolerance and dishonesty of environmental extremism, the European Union crackup, and Barack Obama’s renewal of Jimmy Carter’s failed foreign policy? They all can be traced to a global Western elite that in its intellectual arrogance confused late-20th-century technological progress with a supposed […]
Victor Davis Hanson “And from the Marines’ initial mission against the Barbary pirates to the battles in Fallujah, Americans have wanted a maverick Marine Corps — a sort of insurance policy that will keep them safe, just in case.” Marinestan Periodically, the Marines’ way of doing things so bothers our military planners that some […]