NO URL HERE…THIS IS FROM A RIGHT THINKING E-PAL….WHO WRITES VERY WELL…RSK A guilt ridden left wing Jew will accept anything from a left wing leader….JLB According to this report, the Obama team is worried that “they may be losing the Jews,†but it’s all a big misunderstanding. That was Rahm Emanuel’s pitch to a […]  Tuesday, May 18, 2010 Miller’s Crossing                   Caught in the Headlights – and With a Silly Hairdo It took nearly two decades, but there are signs that Aaron David Miller, Dennis Ross’s first mate in navigating the treacherous waters of the Oslo Peace Process under Bill Clinton, has finally been […]  by Jim Hoft Daniel Pearl was not beheaded because he was a journalist.Daniel Pearl was beheaded by Islamic extremists because he was an American and a Jew. Yesterday Barack Obama signed the toothless Daniel Pearl Freedom of the Press Act of 2009 named in honor of the Wall Street Journal reporter who […] Iran’s Growing Threat to Israel: Sketches For A Strategic Dialectic Louis Rene Beres – Professor of International Law Department of Political Science – Purdue University Date: November 1, 2000 Let us consider, systematically, Iran’s growing military threat to Israel. To do this properly, we should begin with a look at the sort of […]
Wednesday, May 19, 2010 EDITORIAL: The Shi’ite stripper girl next door The new Miss USA is a pole-dancing Shi’ite Muslim who counts the Hezbollah terrorist group as part of her loyal fan base. Or, as the Los Angeles Times put it, Rima Fakih is “the poster girl for modern America.” Miss Fakih, who as Miss […]
Vietnam allegations threaten frontrunning Blumenthal in CT-Senate The New York Times’ story detailing Connecticut Attorney General Dick Blumenthal‘s (D) misstatements about his service in Vietnam — he received five deferments and never served in the country, according to the paper — has the potential to fundamentally reshape the Nutmeg State Senate race. Â On […]  It’s Not the Messaging, It’s the Message Two weeks ago I was asked what role Rahm Emanuel is meant to play in the Obama Administration’s campaign against Israel. That question has now been answered. Emanuel has been selected for the unlikely role of the “Good Cop” in an administration full of “Bad Cops”. […] IRAN’S NUCLEAR COUP What a fiasco. That’s the first word that comes to mind watching Mahmoud Ahmadinejad raise his arms yesterday with the leaders of Turkey and Brazil to celebrate a new atomic pact that instantly made irrelevant 16 months of President Obama’s “diplomacy.” The deal is a political coup for Tehran and possibly […] By MOHEB ZAKI Cairo A few weeks ago in the coastal city of Marsa Matrouh, an enraged mob of some 3,000 angry Muslims gathered after Friday prayers. After the mosque’s imam exhorted them to cleanse the city of its infidel Christians, called Copts, they went on a rampage. The toll was heavy: 18 homes, […] e-pal John Bernard spent 26 years in the USMC, both active and reserve…. RSKMonday, May 17, 2010 A Tale of Duplicity Does anyone remember Rifka Bary? The media certainly doesn’t. The fact is the media was nearly silent. They barely mentioned her case and then barely mentioned the fact that she was seeking, essentially, […]