POSTED SO FARELECTIONS ARE COMING: DAILY PICK….MEET JOSH FIRST- R-PA SEE THE ENCOURAGING NUMBERS STATE BY STATE AT:   MEET A NEW STAR IN PENNSYLVANIA  First for Congress  Dear Fellow Friend of Israel,             Israel has never needed strong friends more than it does now, and Israel will never have a stronger friend in […] Â The Land of the Free or the Home of the Slave? Any code of laws that has been set down in the past in order to guide the future organization of a nation is vulnerable to being rewritten by the dominant political or cultural forces of a later period. These forces will inevitably […] Pay Village Calls in Afghanistan May 16, 2010 Associated Press FORWARD OPERATING BASE FRONTENAC, Afghanistan – The platoon’s visit to a riverside village was a slog in and out: hours of hiking in body armor under the sun over rock-strewn hills, through rustling wheat fields and sweltering pomegranate groves. U.S. Soldiers waded across an […] Decline and Fall of the UN Human Rights Council: ‘Appeasement’ of Libya – as new Council Member The United Nations Human Rights Council, often considered the ‘Conscience of Humanity’, is unfortunately being hijacked and misused by representatives of undemocratic countries. They often appear more interested in protecting their governments from criticism than advancing the […] May 15, 2010 The baffling Mr. Holder Albert Boese Eric Holder, US Attorney General, has justifiably solidified his reputation as a lightning rod of controversy for the Obama Administration, based no less on his troubling decisions and unexplainable denial of facts pertaining to the War on Terror. His metaphysical aversion to the term, Jihadists […] Prince Charles, the Emir’s wife and an £81m Chelsea battle A dispute over the most expensive piece of land ever bought in Britain, which cost £959 million for a 12-acre site close to the centre of London, will finally boil over into a High Court legal battle this week. By Robert Mendick and Mira […]
OH THOSE FECUND PALARABS….NOW THERE ARE 4.5 MILLION “REFUGEES” IT’S BECOME HERITABLE SINCE THE UN AND US STATE DEPT. MASSAGE THE STATISTICS. …RSK  Palestinians again mark the Israel ‘catastrophe’ by Adel Zaanoun Adel Zaanoun Sat May 15, 3:40 pm ET GAZA CITY (AFP) – Palestinians marked on Saturday another day of remembering the anniversary of what […] ANDREW McCARTHY’S NEW BOOK EXPOSES THIS AND MUCH MORE….. RSKEDITORIAL: Obama’s invisible Islam The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America by Andrew C. McCarthy (Hardcover – May 25, 2010)   THE WASHINGTON TIMES During questioning before the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday, a visibly nervous Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. tried […]
Cartoonist Lars Vilks House Aflame in Assassination Attempt  Cartoonist Lars Vilks House Aflame in Assassination AttemptTolerance and plurality, right? A shrine to jihad on the hallowed ground of the World Trade Center. We are accomplices in Muslim expansionism. This arson attempt is fresh on the heels of the attack on Lars Vilks: Artist […]
U.S. Envoy Praises U.N. Council on Human Rights as Libya is Seated By BENNY AVNI <> , UNITED NATIONS — There was a little the American ambassador here, Susan Rice, could do today to stop the General Assembly from voting Libya and other known rights abusers for a seat on the Human Rights Council, but instead […]