Press – Mojave Desert War Memorial Fund Listen to Carol Taber’s interview with Tammy Bruce Visit Tammy Bruce’s site – click here
ON MAY 18TH IT LOOKS LIKE MONGIARDO WILL BE NOMINATED TO RUN AGAINST RAND PAUL WHO LOOKS LIKE A SURE WINNER OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY IN KENTUCKY. Â SENATOR MITCH McCONNELL HAS STEADFASTLY STOOD BY PRINCIPLE AND REFUSED TO ENDORSE PAUL. Â MONGIARDO HAS A GOOD LEGISLATIVE RECORD AS DEMOCRATS GO…HE IS HARDLY INSPIRING BUT […] Â Friday Afternoon Roundup – And All the Talk is of Arizona The municipality of Los Angeles will boycott Arizona. A girls high school basketball team will not be able to go to Arizona to play, because of “safety issues”, which naturally did not come up in China. But why sweat the small stuff? […]   Iraqis Apprehensive About New Threats May 15, 2010 Associated Press BAGHDAD – Many Iraqis are increasingly uneasy that a wave of bombings and shootings may revive all-out sectarian warfare that ravaged the country several years ago. In Baghdad and other cities, some are falling back into old cautionary habits – going outside […]
THE MEDIA IS HAVING A HAY DAY WITH THE STORIES…NO HISTORY, NO FACTS, NO PERSPECTIVE…RSK  JERUSALEM (AFP) – Diana Safieh was just seven years old when her family fled their west Jerusalem home on a spring night in 1948 in fear of bloody clashes between Jewish and Arab forces. Now at nearly […]
The Ground Zero Mosque Developer: Muslim Brotherhood Roots, Radical Dreams Everything there is to know about Faisal Abdul Rauf, the wolf in sheep’s clothing behind the planned lower Manhattan mega-mosque. May 14, 2010 – by Alyssa A. Lappen  The prospective developer of a $100 million, 13-story mosque 600 feet from Ground Zero presents himself […]
Obama’s Known of Al-Qaeda Ties with Iran for a Year, but Still No Action Posted By Barry Rubin On May 14, 2010 @ 12:00 am In Column 2, Homeland Security, Iran, Middle East, US News | 34 Comments According to a new investigative Associated Press article [1], President Barack Obama was informed of the close […]
May 15, 2010 Che and the Workers By Humberto Fontova The hero of so many leftists was not really what they think him to be. A May Day march without Che Guevara posters and Mexican flags is like a fish with a bicycle. We observed the bemusing spectacle two weeks ago. Now it’s time to […]
GOOD FOR SENATOR MITCH McCONNELL WHO WILL NOT ENDORSE RAND PAUL..AND PALIN AND DE MINT SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES FOR DOING SO…..RSK The Company the Pauls Keep 2010 May 13 Ron & Rand Paul will be the first to tell you how much they revere George Washington, how they’re the Last Politicians In […] Invisible Assholes Elena Kagan and America’s Rude Legacy of anti-Harvard Bigotry Guest Opinion by Professor John Evans Evans-John Harvard School of Harvard Asshole Studies Harvard University When I last visited these pages, in the wake of the Cambridge Police Department’s brutal treatment of Professor Henry Louis ‘Skip’ Gates, it was in hopes that I […]