Â BARRY RUBIN Obama continually ends up with egg on his face, while Russia is shoring up its ties and influence in the Middle East ahead of a nuclear Iran. Â The world is getting into the habit of making Obama look inept. The U.S. sends a delegation to Damascus to wean Syria from Iran, […] Theology for a Holocaust Posted By Robert Spencer UC-San Diego student Jumanah Imad Albahri [1] last week, under questioning from David Horowitz, refused to condemn Hamas and Hizballah and endorsed a genocidal statement [1] by Hizballah leader Hassan Nasrallah. Many were shocked. Albahri’s statement is being treated as a singular utterance, a lapse that […] Iraq: al-Sadr’s Shi’ite militias show signs of regrouping in south More trouble ahead. “Are Sadr militias rearming in Iraq’s south?” by Jane Arraf for the Christian Science Monitor, May 12: Baghdad – A senior US general said forces loyal to Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr are rising again in Iraq’s south, engaging in intimidation, extortion, […]  He listed a menu including braised chicken, steamed fish and dog meat from Huajiang county in Guangdong, which is famed for its nutritional benefits in China. A local proverb in the south of China is that “Huajiang dog is better for you than ginseng”, referring to the medicinal root that plays a vital […] Â “Harriet Miers, the White House lawyer for George W. Bush and a Supreme Court nominee whom Elena Kagan, with her abundant inexperience, resembles in many ways. Mr. Obama, then a very junior U.S. senator, called Mzz Miers “a blank slate” and said that “in the absence of a judicial record” “ Â PRUDEN: […] Â Holder balks at blaming ‘radical Islam’ for terror attempts Stephen Dinan Despite crediting the Pakistani Taliban with fostering the recent failed car bombing in Times Square, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. was reluctant Thursday to say radical Islam was part of the cause of that and other recent attacks. Mr. Holder, testifying […] DAVID HARSANYI Were you aware that Americans have a collective obligation to stop kicking challenges to the next generation and join the White House in supporting “sweeping” and “transformative” legislation? I thought so. These days, there are few higher callings in Washington than pretending to save the environment. Authoritative “leadership” is sorely needed in […] Our Busted Deportation System Strikes Again Michelle Malkin Friday, May 14, 2010 Wouldn’t it be grand if the Obama administration cared more about policing our borders than about policing our refrigerators? How about fixing our deportation system instead of fixing our junk-food diets? First Lady Michelle Obama argued this week that obesity is a […]
The Islamization of Canada Posted By Christine Williams On May 14, 2010 Seven years after its application, Al Jazeera English has been launched in Canada. The three largest cable providers (Bell TV, Rogers and Videotron) are carrying the digital channel. Al Jazeera (AJ) [2], a.k.a. the “CNN of the Arab World†was given its approval […]
Israel’s Welfare Threat Posted By P. David Hornik Dan Ben-David, an economics professor at Tel Aviv University and executive director of the Taub Center for Social Policy Studies in Jerusalem, has been stoking fears lately in Israel with a 350-page report that says the country’s economic picture is grim. The problems, Ben-David says, arise from […]