Exclusive: Deadly Muslim Deobandi Movement Now Present Throughout America Paul Williams, PhD The radical Deobandi movement, an ultra-conservative manifestation of Islam, is spreading throughout the United States without capturing the attention of major media outlines. Sheikh Riyadh ul Haq, one of the movement’s most influential preachers, has voiced his support of al Qaeda and […] US May Slow Pace of Iraq Troop Pullout BAGHDAD — American commanders, worried about increased violence in the wake of Iraq’s inconclusive elections, are now reconsidering the pace of a major troop pullout this summer, U.S. officials said. The withdrawal of the first major wave of troops is expected to be delayed by about […] (The following is an adaptation and expansion of my talk at the Children of Jewish Holocaust Survivors event in LA, Spun out: Watch Dog Media Bites Lap Dog Media, on the importance of New Media.) When people ask me how I got into New Media, I tell them it began with the New York […]
New Conservative-led British government’s MidEast policy likely to be more of the same, but dangers from the Liberal Democrats So, with Conservative leader David Cameron having been appointed as Prime Minister on Tuesday evening and with the Liberal Democrats under Nick Clegg having agreed to join the Conservatives in a coalition government, here, in […] Egypt to end 1967 State of Emergency, allowing greater room for Muslim Brotherhood An interesting story is developing in Egypt where, according to Sky News, the government is planning to end the State of Emergency that was initially imposed after the country’s defeat in the 1967 war. Sky quotes unnamed “sources†as saying the […]
May 12th, 2010 12:43 am Here Comes the UN’s Libyan Blights Council Libya on the United Nations Human Rights Council? That sounds nuts. But this is the UN. By Thursday evening, with the Obama administration apparently AWOL on this outrage, it may be a done deal. The United Nations General Assembly is due to […]
REVIEW & OUTLOOK MAY 13, 2010 Surveillance and Shahzad Are wiretap limits making it harder to discover and pre-empt jihadists?The debate about the Times Square bomb plot has focused, so far, on what happened after Faisal Shahzad’s detonator fizzled. Should Congress make marginal changes to Miranda procedures, and the like? The more urgent question in […]
OPINION MAY 13, 2010 The Treasury-Financial Complex The Dodd bill is perfectly designed to create the largest and most powerful crony system in history. By CLIFFORD S. ASNESS AND AARON BROWN Whatever your views on financial reform—whether you want the government to crack down on bankers or to disentangle itself from financial markets—you should fear […] AZ governor now targets ethnic studies Valerie Richardson Arizona Republican Gov. Jan Brewer, already under fire for approving the nation’s toughest illegal immigration law, has again run afoul of liberal activists, signing a bill Wednesday that targets ethnic studies programs in schools that critics say unfairly demean white Americans. The law, which takes effect […] Thursday, May 13, 2010 Group wants equal restroom access for women Stephen Dinan Add equal bathroom access to life, liberty, happiness and the other things the government wants to make sure American citizens enjoy. Some call it “potty parity,” others label it “porcelain proportionality” — but a bipartisan group in Congress, braving potential public […]