From an e-pal….C.B.  The honorable Amil Imani is one of the most powerful writers on Islam today. A Persian ex-Muslim who left Iran shortly before the revolution in 1979, Amil is a founding member of Former Muslims United. Amil knows Islam very well, as not only was he raised a Muslim but also his family […]
Big Ideas” in Action: “One Field, One Handshake, One Smile at a Time” May 11 Written by: Diana West  In Gen. Petraeus’ lengthy AEI discourse on military bureacracy last week (discussed here), he didn’t much talk about how, exactly, the “big ideas” of COIN work in the military theater. Here’s a recent example […]
Wall Street Journal OPINION Shahzad and the Pre-9/11 Paradigm In the 1990s we mocked the ineptness of jihadists and were confident civilian courts could handle them. Look where that got us. By MICHAEL B. MUKASEY Some good news from the attempted car bombing in Times Square on May 1 is that—at the relatively small cost […] James R. Copland Kagan Flunks Her Own Test Obama’s Supreme Court nominee lacks the experience she once held up as a standard. 11 May 2010 Elena Kagan, President Obama’s nominee to succeed John Paul Stevens on the Supreme Court, published some thoughts on the judicial confirmation process in 1995. Reviewing Stephen Carter’s book The […]
Control the Border First “Control the border first” ought to be the battle cry of every citizen who is tired of leftwing elites trying to use charges of racism to blackmail us into accepting perpetually unsecured borders and amnesty for millions. “Control the border first” is the legitimate demand of Americans concerned about national security […]
MUST WATCH VIDEO: Cartoonist attacked by muslims in Sweden —————— Swedish Mohammed cartoonist attacked during free speech lecture A Swedish cartoonist whose sketch of the Prophet Mohammed enraged many Muslims, was attacked while giving a lecture about freedom of speech. Published: 9:23PM BST 11 May 2010 Lars Vilks, who depicted the Prophet Mohammad with […] Major League Baseball and Arizona May 11 Written by: Diana West Tuesday, May 11, 2010 2:41 AM Arizona is suffering from the failures of the federal government to secure America’s border with Mexico. The Arizona legislature has passed a law designed to bring state law into conformity with unenforced federal law, which already, […]
Human Rights Just a Joke At the U.N. Things are going from bad to worse at the U.N. Come Thursday, the U.N. Human Rights Council will include Libya! This article by Anne Bayefsky appears today on Fox News. Once upon a time, the United Nations was about protecting human rights and Eleanor Roosevelt was the […] The Iconoclast Monday, 10 May 2010 JCall: European echo to JStreet, Part V Paris, May 10, 2010 Fasten your seat belts! Part 5 will include a first hand report of the Paris press conference of Tayssir Tamimi, Chief Mufti of alQuds. Unless I am mistaken there was no JCaller present to Appeal to the […]
Hizbullah’s media champions May 11, 2010, 4:12 AM Comments (5) | | Print A few weeks shy of the tenth anniversary of Israel’s May 24, 2000 unilateral withdrawal from south Lebanon, last Friday mass-circulation daily Yediot Ahronot chose to devote its weekend news supplement to a retrospective on the event. The retrospective included a fawning […]