Another Tack: Either way, you’re dead!  Sunday May 9th 2010 By Sarah Honig  We can avoid Iranian nukes by opting for the Auschwitz borders or we can avoid the Auschwitz borders but be bullied by Iranian nukes. Time to quit quibbling. No pedantic hairsplitting can mitigate the evidence: The Obama administration cynically […]  “The letter, co-sponsored by Democrats Bill Delahunt (MA), Ron Kind (WI), David Price (NC) and Vic Snyder (AR), urges US President Barack Obama “to continue your strong efforts to bring US leadership to bear in moving the parties toward a negotiated two-state solution.†It also cites controversial comments by US Gen. David Petraeus […]
THESE ARE STATE LEGISLATORS BUT THE FUTURE LEADERSHIP COMES FROM THEM…..  AND CHECK OUT :  IS THIS A TREND? THEIR MOTTO: Our Contract with Texas We give our word to stand for conservative principles and to put people before party. We give our word to be fiscally accountable, limit […]
I HATE TO DISAGREE WITH THE SULTAN….BUT RAND/RON PAUL IS A LOT WORSE THAN CAMPBELL….BUT HE IS RIGHT ABOUT PALIN’S WEIRD CHOICES….RSK Friday Afternoon Roundup – The Green Dog Will Have Its Day There might eventually be a Prime Minister of Great Britain. There might already be one by the time you are reading this. […] Pentagon Bans Four Gitmo Reporters May 07, 2010 Associated Press SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — The Pentagon on Thursday barred four journalists from military commissions at Guantanamo Bay because they published the name of a witness after being told not to. The U.S. military wanted the witness identified only as “Interrogator No. 1” and […] EDITORIAL: Obama’s good luck terrorism strategy THE WASHINGTON TIMES Responding to Republican charges that Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad’s plot failed only because of luck, Rep. Ike Skelton, Missouri Democrat, said, “What’s wrong with being lucky?” Nothing at all – until the luck runs out. Two potentially devastating terror attacks in five months failed […]
AMB. JOHN BOLTON: We Shouldn’t Rescue Europe By Amb. John Bolton  –  What we’re seeing in Greece is a European problem and it should not be solved by the United States.  print email share recommend (2)  The Greek financial crisis is really a European Union (“EU”) political crisis as much as […]  Why do Arab governments—and the U.S.—insist the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is at the heart of all the Mideast’s problems? By Lee Smith | The one uncontroversial fact about the Middle East is that the Arab-Israeli conflict is inextricably linked to every other problem in the region. Known as “linkage,†this is the one idea […] Daily Beast “If James Risen keeps his silence and is held in contempt of court and then sent to jail, that will certainly provoke howls of outrage in the press. It will also be a just outcome, for no one is above the law.” May 7, 2010 Send This Reporter to Jail by Gabriel […]
Exclusive: Profiles in Cowardice – Comedy Central, Islam, and Christianity Pam Meister Comedy Central was in the news recently for caving to radical Islam and heavily censoring an episode of the always irreverent South Park that discussed Mohammed and portrayed him in a variety of ways, including wearing a bear costume. Show creators Trey Parker […]